The Tablecloths Have Turned

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The Tablecloths Have Turned

You report for your first morning of dude ranch excitement and meet the woman who's going to teach you about butter churning, cow milking, baking, cleaning, and obsolete gender roles. She's a fiery old woman with three teeth and a white beard that'd make a billy goat blush. She looks at the clothes you're wearing with dismay.

"No no, them there clothes are all wrong." She says. "You don't have any petticoats, you ain't got no calico, and where's your gingham?! You can't be a properly dressed old west prairie girl without gingham! Here, put this on."

"That's really pretty sexist of you," you protest, "and besides, I..." but she starts waving a rolling-pin around, and you decide it's probably better to just wear the dress for a few hours rather than get your skull caved in.

AdventuresYou lose 3 Adventures.
Meat.gifYou spent 500 Meat.
You gain X Strengthliness.
Shorescrip.gifYou acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  • Prior to August 30, 2013:

You report for your first morning of dude ranch excitement and meet the woman who's going to teach you about butter churning, cow milking, baking, cleaning, and obsolete gender roles. She's a fiery old woman with three teeth and a white beard that'd make a billy goat blush. She looks at the clothes you're wearing with dismay.

"No no, them there clothes are all wrong." She says. "You don't have any petticoats, you ain't got no calico, and where's your gingham?! You can't be a properly dressed old west prairie girl without gingham! Here, put this on."

Blouse.gifYou acquire an item: gingham blouse

Occurs at Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure.
