The Superconductor's CPU

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The Superconductor's CPU
The Superconductor's CPU

The Superconductor's CPU was designed to understand the emotions of elves on a computational level. Unfortunately, it became self-aware and decided that "mortal terror" was the emotion it cared about the most. Now that it's isolated from its neural network, it cares about gratitude.

Type: accessory
Cannot be traded or discarded

Maximum HP +X
Maximum MP +X
(based on Crimbo 22 Elf Gratitude)

(In-game plural: The Superconductor's CPUs)
View metadata
Item number: 11088
Description ID: 952525089
View in-game: view

Obtained From

Crimbo Town (2022)
The Superconductor


  • X seems to be the square root of your total elf gratitude, rounded down, with a minimum of 1.


"11088" does not have an RSS file (yet?) for the collection database.