The Secret of the Dungeons of Doom
From TheKolWiki
There's this weird place in The Dungeoneers' Association called The Enormous Greater-Than Sign. Find out what's going on.
- Adventure in The Enormous Greater-Than Sign until you get the adventure Typographical Clutter. Choose "The big apostrophe", which gives you a plus sign.
- Acquire the effect Teleportitis. You can do this by continuing to adventure in The Enormous Greater-Than Sign until you get the Typographical Clutter adventure again. This time, choose "The upper-case Q".
- Adventure anywhere until you get the adventure The Oracle Will See You Now. Choose to "Pay for a major consultation (1,000 Meat)".
- Use the plus sign to unlock The Dungeons of Doom.
- The Dungeons of Doom replace The Enormous Greater-Than Sign.
- You get a line in your accomplishments: "You have discovered the secret of the Dungeons of Doom."
- You can also find the adventure The Oracle Will See You Now with other effects that cause you to adventure in a random location, such as Feel Lost.