The Road Less Visible

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The Road Less Visible
The Road Less Visible

You proceed down the dark path. Literally, not metaphorically. After a while, you come across signs of a struggle -- deep gouges in the path, littered with sequins and bits of ivory, leading off into a particularly dense clump of bushes.

What's it gonna be, then?

Continue down the path

Corpse in the Dark
Corpse in the Dark

You continue down the path, and abruptly trip over something. As you pick yourself off the ground, you realize that what you tripped over was A HUMAN HAND. Okay, so it's not all that creepy or dramatic, considering some of the other stuff you've seen around these parts.

You follow the hand to a wrist, which leads to an arm. The arm is attached to the corpse of what seems to have once been a Disco Bandit.

You decide it'd be a waste not to hork his equipment, and waste makes haste, your mother always used to say.

Discomask.gifYou acquire an item: disco mask
Discoball.gifYou acquire an item: disco ball

Investigate the Bushes

Corpse in the Dark
Corpse in the Dark

You look behind the clump of bushes, and discover the corpse of an unfortunate Accordion Thief. Looks like some woodland beastie didn't appreciate his music very much.

You help yourself to his gear.

Accordion.gifYou acquire an item: stolen accordion
Mariachipants.gifYou acquire an item: mariachi pants

Occurs at The Spooky Forest as a choice of A Three-Tined Fork.


  • "You proceed down the dark path. Literally, not metaphorically." refers to a line spoken by Yoda in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back: "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."
  • "What's it gonna be, then?" is a reference to the novel, A Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess. The phrase appears at important junctures in the life of Alex, the hoodlum narrator, four times throughout the novel.
  • "Waste makes haste" is, of course, a reversal of "haste makes waste".
  • "The Road Less Visible" may be a reference to Robert Frost's poem, A Road Less Traveled".