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Missing message after another clanmate has closed the gates previously.
The Plot Thickens
Man. Either the old Duke had a really big family, or he was really permissive about who was allowed to be buried in his family plot. This is a big graveyard, is what I'm saying.
- You close and lock the cemetery's front gate. The zombies seem slightly annoyed, but at least now they're contained.
(Fewer zombies will appear in the village now)
- As is your Adventurer's nature, you plunder a grave. There really ought to be a law against this.
If 10 players have already looted this choice:
- It looks like your clanmates have already robbed every reasonably-robbable grave in this plot. It's a conspiracy, I tell you!
- You read some of the tombstones, and almost all of them list, in excruciating detail, the cause of the occupant's death. Without exception, the cause of death is an extremely drawn-out, extremely... filthy death in the old Duke's sex dungeon.
No wonder that guy was so unpopular. You should probably stop reading these stones before you get too skeeved out to function.
- You lose the thread of the plot.
Occurs at The Old Duke's Estate in Dreadsylvanian Village.