The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob

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The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
Zone Num 114
Location The Nearby Plains
Cobb's Knob
Unlocks Open by default
Recom Stat 0
Combat % 79.2
ML 1 - 2
Terrain outdoor
Special Adventures
Lucky Lunchboxing
Turtle C'mere, Little Fella
Bad Moon O Goblin, Where Art Thou?
refreshedit data

"Outskirts" redirects here. Did you mean the Outskirts of Camp Logging Camp, in Little Canadia?

The Outskirts of Cobb's Knob, located in The Nearby Plains, is one of the first areas available to players. At first, only the Outskirts of Cobb's Knob is available. Once you unlock Cobb's Knob using the Cobb's Knob map and Knob Goblin encryption key, you can find the Outskirts of Cobb's Knob there.

Combat Adventures

Knob Goblin Assistant Chef This monster is a Goblin -- (edit metadata)
Kg asstchef.gif

Knob Goblin Barbecue Team This monster is a Goblin -- (edit metadata)
Kg bbqteam.gif

sleeping Knob Goblin Guard This monster is a Goblin -- (edit metadata)
Kg sleepingguard.gif

Sub-Assistant Knob Mad Scientist This monster is a Goblin -- (edit metadata)
Kg madsci.gif

Non-combat Adventures

Knob Goblin BBQ
Knob Goblin BBQ

Malice in Chains
Malice in Chains

Turtle.gif C'mere, Little Fella

When Rocks Attack
When Rocks Attack
  • "Sure, I'll help.": 30 Meat
  • "Sorry, gotta run.": (Does not use an adventure)
  • Note: This adventure triggers the Wounded Guard Quest and doesn't occur after choosing to help (becomes a one-time adventure).

A Funny Thing Happened...
  • Meat Drops: 75
  • Note: Lose 1 HP
  • Note: A one-time adventure.

The Ghost of Dr. Hobo Jones

The Hosen One

Exclam.gif Brushed off...

Exclam.gif Code Red
Kg sleepingguard.gif

Exclam.gif Unstubbed

Exclam.gif Up In Their Grill
Up In Their Grill

11leafclover.gif Lunchboxing

Badmoon.gif O Goblin, Where Art Thou?

Retired Adventures

This area underwent a major revision on November 28, 2006.

Knob Goblin BBQ (Leftovers)
  • Meat Drops: 5

Knob Goblin BBQ (Share)
  • Meat Drops: 5

Knob Goblin dilemma
  • Meat Drops: 7

Knob Goblin Labor

Knob Goblin Massacre

Knob Goblin Meat Raid
  • Meat Drops: 8

Knob Goblin Seamstress

Knob Goblin Tug of War

Little Lost Knob Goblin

Wrestling Match

This area also lost an adventure when Lord Flameface attacked

Ennui is Wasted on the Young
Ennui is Wasted on the Young