The Ninjapiratezombierobot Clan
Clan Summary
Ninjas! Pirates! Zombies! Robots! Put them together, and what do you get?
Why, the Ninjapiratezombierobot clan, of course!
This is a great and long-standing clan with a membership of about 200, which provides a limited amount of food and drinks to all who join. It is home to many different players of varied experience and interest. A large contingent of the clan is located on the West Coast, especially in the San Francisco Bay Area.
At this time, the clan is not actively recruiting, although interesting players, both new and established, are always welcome to apply.
Clan Credo
With the stealth of the ninja, ferocity of the pirate, hunger of the zombie and determination of the robot, we shall conquer! Silence. Arrrr. Brains! Danger, danger!
Clan Facts and History
- The clan has its own lunch/booze management system, which is operated (by a bot) independently of the clan stash.
- As of 8/16/05, ranked #1 on Contrickster's 1337 Clans List in the "Mega Clans" and "Community" categories, as well as #1 in Division 2 for "Overall."
- Allies of The Rye and Sparkle Motion!; members of these clans often make visits to NPZR, and sometimes members of NPZR (in turn) visit them.
- Many members farm for food and drink ingredients, or meat in general, to be used by the entire clan.
- Formerly engaged in clan warfare, but NPZR has retired from Clan vs. Clan battles.
- In February 2005, NPZR hosted a role-playing KOL meet in San Francisco, "KOL Con Carne." In September 2005, they ran the official KoL LARP at KolCon2.
Clan Perks
NPZR members enjoy the following benefits, among others:
- Clan web site
- Comprehensive historical character stats for clan members
- Mall-watch archival tool (historical mall pricing info)
- Access to buff-bots which provide all Accordion Thief, Sauceror and Turtle Tamer buffs to clan members, free of charge.
- Clan members may requisition a set amount of food and booze items daily.
- 15 stat purchases a day for all members not in Hardcore/Ronin
- Advice, discussion, Q&A - we are an eclectic mix of veterans and relative newbies alike.
- Friendly, helpful people, and great company in the chat (as long as our bosses aren't looking!)
Clan Leaders
Figurehead: NPZR
Leader: Quix
Officers: Nytmare, balam, Vida Londres
Junior Officers: TedPro, Glukthar, Marcyss, Rebel 16 (Poet Laureate)
Other Members With Wiki Entries: Kachi, Bikke the Pirate, Blathersby, bottlecaps, Chasseur, Devan, Angreh, Fisheyez69, Galindorf, Kheine, Kae0s, Osiris990, Otto Germain, Peter North, StrudelNinja.
(This list is subject to change)
- The NinjaPirateZombieRobot clan was the inspiration for the Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot familiar.