The Museum

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The Museum is located in Seaside Town. It contains and tracks various information about the Kingdom of Loathing. It opened on November 5th, 2010.

First Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Musicehouse.gif Lbweird.gif Lbclandungeon.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Aagsign.gif Collection.gif
Zone Y.gifZone o.gifZone u.gifZone comma.gif Zone R.gifZone o.gifZone b.gifZone o.gifZone t.gif
Zone L.gifZone e.gifZone a.gifZone d.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone b.gifZone o.gifZone a.gifZone r.gifZone d.gifZone s.gif
Zone Q.gifZone u.gifZone a.gifZone n.gifZone t.gifZone u.gifZone m.gif Zone T.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone r.gifZone a.gifZone r.gifZone i.gifZone u.gifZone m.gif
Zone L.gifZone e.gifZone a.gifZone d.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone b.gifZone o.gifZone a.gifZone r.gifZone d.gifZone s.gif
Museum bottom.gif

Second Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Lbplumber.gif
Zone L.gifZone o.gifZone w.gifZone dash.gifZone K.gifZone e.gifZone y.gif Zone S.gifZone u.gifZone m.gifZone m.gifZone e.gifZone r.gif
Zone L.gifZone e.gifZone a.gifZone d.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone b.gifZone o.gifZone a.gifZone r.gifZone d.gifZone s.gif
Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Lb2015.gif Lb2016.gif Lb2017.gif Lb2018.gif
Lb2019.gif Lb2020.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif

Third Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Lbed.gif Lbocrs.gif Lbcomser.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Lbwol.gif Lbts.gif Lbna.gif Lbgnoob.gif
Lblta.gif Lblar.gif Lbpokefam.gif Lbglover.gif
Lbdd.gif Lbgyffte.gif Lbtcrs.gif Lbkoe.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif

Fourth Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Lbbhy.gif Lbwosf.gif Lbtrend.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Lbaob.gif Lbbi.gif Lbzombie.gif Lbclassa.gif
Lbjarlsberg.gif Lbbig.gif Lbkolhs.gif Lbca2.gif
Lbsp.gif Lbsas.gif Lbhr.gif Lbpicky.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif

Fifth Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Lbstatistics.gif Lbclan.gif Lbfamiliar.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Lbgrim.gif Royalplaque.gif Lbbatfellow.gif Lbspel.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif

Sixth Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Plaque3.gif Plaque6.gif Plaque4.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Plaque crimbom.gif
Zone C.gifZone h.gifZone a.gifZone k.gifZone r.gifZone a.gif
Zone C.gifZone l.gifZone e.gifZone a.gifZone n.gifZone s.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone s.gif
Plaque1.gif Plaque2.gif Plaque7.gif Plaque5.gif
Plaque8.gif Obsplaque.gif
Zone E.gifZone l.gifZone d.gifZone r.gifZone i.gifZone t.gifZone c.gifZone h.gif Zone I.gifZone n.gifZone c.gifZone u.gifZone r.gifZone s.gifZone i.gifZone o.gifZone n.gif
Zone H.gifZone e.gifZone r.gifZone o.gifZone e.gifZone s.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif

Seventh Floor

Museum top.gif
Museum left.gif Museum elevator.gif Museum right.gif
Museum bottomwindow.gif


  • The first floor contains some leaderboards that were formerly found in The Hall of Records, The Collection Collection, and the newer special challenge path leaderboards.
  • The second floor contains some older special challenge path leaderboards as well as the yearly ascension leaderboards from 2015 onwards.
  • The thrird floor contains even older special challenge path leaderboards.
  • The fourth floor contains the oldest special challenge path leaderboards.
  • The fifth floor contains some other leaderboards that were formerly found in The Hall of Records as well as a few miscellaneous leaderboards.
  • The sixth floor contains the plaques that were formerly found in The Cannon Museum, but not The Knott Yeti Habitat.
  • The seventh floor is completely empty.
  • Clicking the elevator's up button on the fifth floor yields the message: "This elevator isn't made of glass, so you can't go any higher than the top floor."
  • Clicking the elevator's down button on the first floor yields the message: "This Museum is like the Alamo: No matter what that old fortune teller told you, it doesn't have a basement."
  • The Ice House is not shown unless you have a monster banished.
  • When an ascension leaderboard does not have any entries, the following message is in its place:
    • (there is nobody on this leaderboard yet -- now's your chance!)


  • A few leaderboards were removed on January 1, 2015. Here lies the plaques for those leaderboards:
Lbpvp.gif Lbhardcore.gif Lbbadmoon.gif
  • At some point between February 15th, 2019 and March 3, 2019 the museum was re-arranged to accommodate newer leaderboards. In the process, the leaderboard for the KOLHS special challenge path was removed. This may have been an oversight. The leaderboard was added back with a Trivial Update on June 6th, 2021.
  • The Ice House has been made inaccessible by normal means on multiple occasions due to TPTB placing another leaderboard over its location. It was added again on September 8, 2019.
  • On June 6th 2021, the floors of the Museum were completely re-arranged and new floors were added. Prior to that time the floor arrangement was as follows:


  • The message displayed when a player tries to go above the fifth floor is a reference to Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, a children's book by Roald Dahl, in which a glass elevator magically ascends through a building's roof and into outer space.
  • The result displayed when a player tries to go below the first floor is a reference to the film Pee-Wee's Big Adventure.