The Malus of Forethought
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The Malus of Forethought is located in The Brotherhood of the Smackdown and is therefore only accessible by muscle classes. You gain access to it by learning the skill Pulverize:
- You learn a new skill: Pulverize.
- Torg looks up at you. "Lemme show you something," he says, and points to a giant hammer in the back corner that you hadn't noticed before. "This is the Malus of Forethought. You're probably strong enough to use it now. You can pulverize stuff with your regular tenderizing hammer, but the Malus allows you to combine the essences of things you pulverize."
The Malus allows you to combine powders into nuggets, which can be further combined into wads.
- Smash 5 piles of twinkly powder into 1 cluster of twinkly nuggets
- Smash 5 piles of hot powder into 1 cluster of hot nuggets
- Smash 5 piles of cold powder into 1 cluster of cold nuggets
- Smash 5 piles of sleaze powder into 1 cluster of sleaze nuggets
- Smash 5 piles of spooky powder into 1 cluster of spooky nuggets
- Smash 5 piles of stench powder into 1 cluster of stench nuggets
- Smash 5 clusters of twinkly nuggets into 1 twinkly wad
- Smash 5 clusters of hot nuggets into 1 hot wad
- Smash 5 clusters of cold nuggets into 1 cold wad
- Smash 5 clusters of sleaze nuggets into 1 sleaze wad
- Smash 5 clusters of spooky nuggets into 1 spooky wad
- Smash 5 clusters of stench nuggets into 1 stench wad
- Smash 5 clusters of sewer nuggets into 1 sewer wad
The Malus can also be used to combine floaty aggregates.
- Smash 5 handfuls of floaty sand into 1 handfuls of floaty pebbles
- Smash 5 handfuls of floaty pebbles into 1 floaty gravel
- Smash 5 handfuls of floaty gravel into 1 floaty rock
- The name is a play on the legal term malice aforethought.
- "Malleus" is Latin for "hammer." "Malus," on the other hand, is Latin for "bad/evil," the mast of a ship, or an apple tree.