The Luckiest Vacation Ever

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The Luckiest Vacation Ever

You take a boat trip to the Distant Lands Dude Ranch, where you're given lessons in ridin', ropin', wranglin', and pronunciatin'.

One day, you're instructed to rope a steer, and then ride it. Or maybe ride it, and then wrangle it, or maybe rope, wrangle, and ride it, all at the same time. It's all kind of fuzzy.

Anyway, long before your 8 seconds are up, you're thrown from the steer, into a patch of clover. Well, mostly clover.

You instinctively begin to search for lucky ones, and ooh, what a lucky one you are -- you find one with three leaves!

Wait a minute... this is poison ivy. Durnit! Guess you weren't so lucky after all. Fortunately, poison ivy isn't lethal, and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

AdventuresYou lose 3 Adventures.
Meat.gifYou spent 500 Meat.
You gain X Strongness.
Shorescrip.gifYou acquire an item: Shore Inc. Ship Trip Scrip
  • Prior to August 30, 2013:

You take a boat trip to the Distant Lands Dude Ranch, where you're given lessons in ridin', ropin', wranglin', and pronunciatin'.

One day, you're instructed to rope a steer, and then ride it. Or maybe ride it, and then wrangle it, or maybe rope, wrangle, and ride it, all at the same time. It's all kind of fuzzy.

Anyway, long before your 8 seconds are up, you're thrown from the steer, into a patch of clover. Well, mostly clover.

You instinctively begin to search for lucky ones, and ooh, what a lucky one you are -- you find one with ten leaves!

Clover.gifYou acquire an item: ten-leaf clover

Occurs at Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure.



  • "Ooh, what a lucky one you are," is a reference to the song Lucky Man, by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, the chorus of which goes "ooh, what a lucky man he was."