The Ice Hole

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The Ice Hole
Zone Num 457
Location The Glaciest
Recom Stat
Combat % 100
Terrain underwater
Special Adventures
Turtle Silent Strolling
refreshedit data

The Ice Hole is found in The Glaciest.

Combat Adventures

Arctic Octolus This monster is a Fish -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: octolus oculus, octolus-skin cloak
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 225 • Substat Gain: 56.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 235
  • Monster Defense: 250
  • Hit Points: 200
  • Initiative: 25
  • Elemental Alignment: cold, weak against hot and spooky

Norwhal This monster is a Fish -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: bottle of norwhiskey, norwhal helmet
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 250 • Substat Gain: 62.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 260
  • Monster Defense: 200
  • Hit Points: 225
  • Initiative: 25
  • Elemental Alignment: cold, weak against hot and spooky

Tin of Submardines This monster is a Fish -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: tin of submardines, sardine can key
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 225 • Substat Gain: 56.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 235
  • Monster Defense: 200
  • Hit Points: 250
  • Initiative: 25
  • Elemental Alignment: cold, weak against hot and spooky


  • This is an underwater zone. It features all the restrictions and special mechanics of underwater adventuring. Amongst other things, this means this zone has a -100% penalty to meat drops and item drops
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with balls quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a school of small, brightly-colored pufferfish, which... wait, these are plastic balls. Huh. Well, into the bucket they go! (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You wander into a... school of... ballfish? I mean, they look more like balls than fish, but... no, they are in fact just balls. What's going on here?

Anyway, you load up your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with blood quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You discover an underwater cloud of blood. Must've been a shark-fight or something; good thing you're not breathing this in, because that would be super gross! You grab as much as you can in your bucket before it drifts away. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You find a sunken ship! Its cargo hold are filled with barrels, which are filled with... blood? Ugh! Well, you just happen to need some blood, so you fill your bucket. Still though, ugh. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You find a whale that nobody seems to be using, punch a small hole in its side, and siphon out a bunch of its blood. Then you sneak away before anyone sees you. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with bolts quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a boatload of bolts. A literal boatload of them, loaded into a sunken boat. So you unload a bunch of them into your sunken bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You find an abandoned submarine carcass -- mostly just rust and bolts. Fortunately, you're in the market for bolts, and a submarine has a lot of bolts in it! (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with chicken quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a sunken crate full of eggs, and when you carry them up to the surface, the reduced pressure causes them to instantly hatch into chickens. Because that's how anything works. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You swim through a school of tuna fish, and... wait, tuna! That's the chicken of the sea, right? That counts, right? You chase a bunch of them into your bucket just in case. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with chum quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You discover a large school of fish. Well, bits of fish. Several total fish, if you put them all back together. Maybe just fill your bucket up and let Walford figure it out himself. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You wander into a huge cloud of mangled fish parts and slurry. Blearrrgh. Looks like someone's a really messy eater. Better fill your chum-bucket before they come back and make you into dessert, chum. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with ice quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a bunch of circular slabs of ice -- this must be the holes people cut out when they go ice-fishing. You wrestle a couple into your bucket for Walford. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You find a sunken barge, which appears to have been shipping ice cubes. Hopefully for export. You dump a bunch of the cargo into your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with milk quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
Hey, look, a manatee! Those things are basically sea cows, right? Think it'll stay still long enough for you to milk it? Why don't you try that while I look anywhere else. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You find a wheel of cheese, and drag it up to the surface. The rapid reduction in pressure causes it to dissolve into milk, which fortunately you manage to catch in your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with moonbeams quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a spot where moonbeams filter down visibly through the murky water, and harvest a bunch of them for Walford. No, I can't explain how. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
Glimmering rays of light are filtering down thought the murky water -- moonbeams! It's really quite a lovely sight. So obviously you should grab as many as you can and put them in a bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
  • If on the fill Walford's bucket with rain quest, one of the following messages will appear after defeating a monster in this zone:
You find a school of rainfish, and squeeze them out into your bucket. Yes, rainfish are a thing. They drink rain. Shh. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
You swim into a little current of fresh water, and catch a bunch of it in your bucket. I mean, it was probably rain at some point in time, right? (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)
Hey, look! It's raining! Underwater! That seems impossibly rare, so you make sure to catch as much of it as possible in your bucket. (Walford's bucket filled by 5%)