The Hosen One

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Now a generic non combat. Is it once per ascension like some of the other non-combats? Does it have some other condition?

The Hosen One
The Hosen One

As you approach Cobb's Knob, you trip over a rock and hit your head on another rock.

When you wake up, you are deep within the inner sanctum of the Knob Goblin Seamstress Guild.

The Head Seamstress approaches you, her head bowed reverently, and says "Oh Chosen One, you have come at last. At last may we bestow upon their rightful owner our most holy of pants."

She hands you a pair of pants, and you shrewdly leave before they figure out that you're just some guy, and not The Chosen One at all.

Uberpants.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin Uberpants
You gain 3 Roguishness.
  • Or

As you approach Cobb's Knob, a female Knob Goblin approaches you, and says "Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

When you wake up, you are deep within the inner sanctum of the Knob Goblin Seamstress Guild.

The Head Seamstress approaches you, her head bowed reverently, and says "Oh Chosen One, you have come at last. At last may we bestow upon their rightful owner our most holy of pants."

She hands you a pair of pants, and you shrewdly leave before they figure out that you're just some guy, and not The Chosen One at all.

Uberpants.gifYou acquire an item: Knob Goblin Uberpants
You gain 3 Roguishness.

Occurs at Outskirts of Cobb's Knob
