The Hippy Camp is an adventure
location found in
The Mysterious Island of Mystery.
A primary stat of 30 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- Too... many... hippies...
- Not... strong enough... To go on...
(It is recommended that you have at least 30 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Visiting the Camp in the Filthy Hippy Disguise and War Hippy Fatigues outfit will yield a different set of adventures from those while not disguised.
Once you start the Mysterious Island Quest, you will get a different set of adventures. See The Hippy Camp (Verge of War) or The Hippy Camp (Wartime).
Combat Adventures
filthy hippy jewelry maker -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: beach glass bead, clay peace-sign bead, filthy corduroys, filthy knitted dread sack, hemp string, phat turquoise bead, patchouli incense stick, reodorant, double-barreled sling, Spanish flyq, greasy dreadlockb
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 39 • Substat Gain: 9.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 49
- Monster Defense: 35
- Hit Points: 30
- Initiative: 70
- Elemental Alignment: stench, weak against cold and sleaze
- Note: The Spanish fly only drops with a Spanish fly trap equipped.
filthy hippy Vegan chef -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: double-barreled sling, filthy corduroys, filthy knitted dread sack, filthy pestle, patchouli incense stick, reodorant, tambourine bells, wad of tofu, Spanish flyq, greasy dreadlockb
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 39 • Substat Gain: 9.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 49
- Monster Defense: 35
- Hit Points: 30
- Initiative: 70
- Elemental Alignment: stench, weak against cold and sleaze
- Note: The Spanish fly only drops with a Spanish fly trap equipped.
Non-combat Adventures
In Disguise
- The message you get when your main stat isn't high enough ("Too... many... hippies... Not... strong enough... to go on...") is a reference to South Park's Eric Cartman, who hates hippies. In fact, a number of references are made to this in The Hippy Camp; for example, the text of Hippies in the Mist contains a direct quote from Cartman.