The Haunted Kitchen

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The Haunted Kitchen
Sr back1.gif
Zone Num 388
Location Spookyraven Manor
Unlocks Read the telegram from Lady Spookyraven
Recom Stat 20
Combat % 100%
ML 20 - 22
Terrain indoor
Special Adventures
Lucky Play Misty For Me
Bad Moon If You Smell Something Burning, It's My Heart
refreshedit data

The Haunted Kitchen is located in Spookyraven Manor. However, trying to enter the Kitchen before reading the telegram from Lady Spookyraven gives this message:

You approach the open door to the kitchen, but before you can enter, there is an ear-splitting screech and the door slams shut in front of you.
Hmm. Apparently somebody doesn't want you going in there.

A primary stat of 20 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

As you reach for the door to the Haunted Kitchen, you hear a ghostly moaning coming from the other side. You once saw a bumper sticker that said "If the kitchen's a moanin', don't be a-goin' in," and you decide that you should maybe heed that advice until you get a little tougher.
(It is recommended that you have at least 20 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

Combat Adventures

demonic icebox This monster is a Demon -- (edit metadata)

paper towelgeist This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: cardboard katana, paper towelb
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 21 • Substat Gain: 5.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 31
  • Monster Defense: 18
  • Hit Points: 22
  • Initiative: 30
  • Elemental Alignment: None

possessed silverware drawer This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

skullery maid This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

zombie chef This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

Non-combat Adventures

Lights Out in the Kitchen
Lights Out in the Kitchen
  • Refuse to Take the Heat: ???
  • Light a Candle: You saw some candles on the counter, when you came in, and you manage to feel your way over to them and grab one. "Now I just need a match..." you muse to yourself.

"I've got a match," a voice whispers in your ear, making you too terrified to move, "your face and my butt! HAHAHAHAHAA!"

Oh, great, it's a witzergeist, one of those joke-telling ghosts. You groan as it regales you with bad pun after bad pun, until the lights finally come back on and you can leave.

  • Open the Icebox: ???

Get Any Key to Continue

Exclam.gif How Loose is Your Goose

11leafclover.gif Play Misty For Me

Badmoon.gif If You Smell Something Burning, It's My Heart

Retired Adventures

Nice Rack!



At the end of combats in this zone, you will search drawers based on hot and stench resistances. The formula is (number of drawers opened) = (1 + (applicable resistance/3)), with a maximum of 4 drawers per combat/capped at 9 levels of Elemental Resistance. If you don't have an exact multiple of three, it appears to round up or down with some randomness (needs spading).

Emptydrawer.gif You manage to dig through a single drawer looking for the key, but the garbage disposal turns itself on, releasing a terrible, terrible smell. It drives you back out into the hallway.
Emptydrawer.gif You manage to dig through a single drawer looking for the key, but the constant demonic flames belching out of the oven results in the kitchen getting too hot for you, and you have to get out of it.
Emptydrawer.gif The kitchen's resident flame-belching demon oven kicks into serious overdrive, but you manage to tolerate the heat long enough to search through X drawers.
Emptydrawer.gif The garbage disposal turns itself on, filling the kitchen with an indescribably foul odor, but you manage to tolerate it long enough to search through X drawers.

These messages are followed by the following text if you still need to make more progress on the quest:

  • To add insult to injury, you don't find the key, just (<item>/<item> and <item>).

After 21 drawers searched, the next combat will yield the key:

  • Fortunately, you find the key, in the last drawer you check. Isn't that always the way? (Yes, because why would you keep looking after you found it? Sheesh.)
Srkey4.gifYou acquire an item: Spookyraven billiards room key

Free combats, such as Mini-Hipster fights or Lightning Strike-like skills will allow you to search drawers.


  • Along with the entire Spookyraven Manor, on May 14, 2014, this room was changed a bit:
    Lights Out in the Kitchen did not exist.
    Was snarfblat 102.
    No drawers were found at the end of combats.
    Had this image:
  • On May 16, 2014 this trivial update was posted:
    Our accidentally hot kitchen drawers are now correctly stinky. If you can't stand the stench, get out of our drawers.