The Haunted Bathroom

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The Haunted Bathroom
Sr back2.gif
Zone Num 392
Location Spookyraven Manor, Second Floor
Unlocks Talk to Lady Spookyraven on the 2nd Floor
Recom Stat 40
Combat % 90
ML 55 - 65
Terrain indoor
Special Adventures
Lucky That's a Tidy Bowl, Man!
Bad Moon You Look Flushed
refreshedit data
The Haunted Bathroom is located in Spookyraven Manor, Second Floor.

A primary stat of 40 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:

As you near the bathroom, you detect a foul stench that gives you pause. It's not what you think, though. It's the stench of your own fear.
You should come back when you're less of a scaredy-cat.
(It is recommended that you have at least 40 <mainstat> to adventure here.)

Combat Adventures

claw-foot bathtub This monster is a Construct -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: bottle of Monsieur Bubble, fancy bath salts, rusty tap handleb
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 57 • Substat Gain: 14.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 67
  • Monster Defense: 47
  • Hit Points: 55
  • Initiative: 30
  • Elemental Alignment: None

malevolent hair clog This monster is a Horror -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: gob of wet hair
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 59 • Substat Gain: 14.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 69
  • Monster Defense: 48
  • Hit Points: 50
  • Initiative: 50
  • Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench

toilet papergeist This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)

Non-combat Adventures

Lights Out in the Bathroom
Lights Out in the Bathroom
  • Fumble Your Way to the Door: ???
  • Flush the Toilet: ???
  • Inspect the Bathtub: ???
  • Check out the Vanity: ???

Never Gonna Make You Up
Never Gonna Make You Up
  • Open it: Fight a cosmetics wraith

cosmetics wraith This monster is Undead -- (edit metadata)
  • Note: Once you beat the cosmetics wraith, this non-combat stops occuring.
  • Note: This is a conditional noncombat occurring only when at least 5 turns have been spent in the zone.

Having a Medicine Ball
Having a Medicine Ball
Bad Medicine is What You Need
Bad Medicine is What You Need

Guy Made Of Bees This monster is a Horror -- (edit metadata)
  • Item Drops: guy made of bee pollen, handful of beesp
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 99999 • Substat Gain: 40 • Moxie for No Hit*: 100009
  • Monster Defense: 89999
  • Hit Points: 99999
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None

Off the Rack

These Pipes... Aren't Clean!

Exclam.gif Back Decker

11leafclover.gif That's a Tidy Bowl, Man!
  • Substat Gain: 2*<mainstat> in Wizardliness (max 300)
  • Note: This adventure is triggered whenever you adventure here while feeling Lucky!.

Badmoon.gif You Look Flushed

Retired Adventures

On October 2nd, 2009, the following three adventures were collapsed into one choice adventure:

Don't Hold a Grudge (Armwrestle)
  • Substat Gain: 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Strongness (max 125 +/- 11)
  • Note: Occurs half as often as Medicine Ball and Myst stat noncombat

Don't Hold a Grudge (Gestures)
  • Substat Gain: 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Enchantedness (max 250 +/- 23)

Don't Hold a Grudge (Handshake)
  • Substat Gain: 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Chutzpah (max 125 +/- 11)
  • Note: Occurs half as often as Medicine Ball and Myst stat noncombat

And then on 14th May 2014 during the Spookyraven revamp, said choice adventure was removed entirely.

Don't Hold a Grudge
Don't Hold a Grudge
  • Armwrestle it: gain 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Muscleboundness (max 125 +/- 11)
  • Declare a thumb war: gain 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Mysteriousness (max 250 +/- 23)
  • Shake it: gain 2-2.5(?)*<mainstat> in Cheek (max 125 +/- 11)


  • Non-combats in this zone have a cap of 9 turns between occurrences. (10 turns if the previous non-combat did not take a turn.)
