The Haunted Bathroom is located in
Spookyraven Manor, Second Floor.
A primary stat of 40 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- As you near the bathroom, you detect a foul stench that gives you pause. It's not what you think, though. It's the stench of your own fear.
- You should come back when you're less of a scaredy-cat.
(It is recommended that you have at least 40 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Combat Adventures
Non-combat Adventures
Lights Out in the Bathroom
- Fumble Your Way to the Door: ???
- Flush the Toilet: ???
- Inspect the Bathtub: ???
- Check out the Vanity: ???
Never Gonna Make You Up
- Open it: Fight a cosmetics wraith
- Note: Once you beat the cosmetics wraith, this non-combat stops occuring.
- Note: This is a conditional noncombat occurring only when at least 5 turns have been spent in the zone.
Retired Adventures
On October 2nd, 2009, the following three adventures were collapsed into one choice adventure:
And then on 14th May 2014 during the Spookyraven revamp, said choice adventure was removed entirely.
- Non-combats in this zone have a cap of 9 turns between occurrences. (10 turns if the previous non-combat did not take a turn.)