The General Store

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For the similar named and now-defunct shop inside Degrassi Knoll, see General Store.
The General Store

General Store runs The General Store in Market Square. The Store always has the beginner items you need, if you don't mind paying retail prices.

General Store General Store

Once, I was a hero of the Cola Wars. Now I wage war against high prices!

Items Sold

Item: Price:
— Holiday Special! —*
Sneakypaper.gif sneaky wrapping paper 1,000 Meat
— Rain Gear —*
Poolwings.gif water wings for babies 50 Meat
Lifepreserver.gif miniature life preserver 100 Meat
Heavyumbrella.gif heavy duty umbrella 300 Meat
Poolskimmer.gif pool skimmer 500 Meat
— Adventuring Supplies —
Balm.gif Ben-Gal™ Balm 24 Meat
Mascara.gif glittery mascara 24 Meat
Spraycan.gif hair spray 24 Meat
Pursestrings.gif loose purse strings 100 Meat
Lantern1.gif third-hand lantern 100 Meat
Spraycan.gif eldritch alignment spray 1000 Meat
Fishingline.gif high-test fishing line 2500 Meat
— Back to School! —*
Folder2.gif folder (blue) 10 Meat
Folder2.gif folder (green) 10 Meat
Folder2.gif folder (red) 10 Meat
— For The Kitchen —
Cocktailkit.gif Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit 1,000 Meat
Oven.gif Dramatic™ range 1,000 Meat
— General Goods —
Coffeecup.gif cup of lukewarm tea 40 Meat
Fortune.gif fortune cookie 40 Meat
Pickledegg.gif pickled egg 40 Meat
Gum.gif chewing gum on a string 50 Meat
Powder.gif fermenting powder 70 Meat
Sodawater.gif soda water 70 Meat
Pass.gif casino pass 100 Meat
Permit.gif hermit permit 100 Meat
Rims.gif sweet rims 300 Meat
Partyhat.gif party hat 300 Meat*
Planks.gif dingy planks 400 Meat
Tterrarium.gif Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium 500 Meat
Buspass.gif Desert Bus pass 5000 Meat*
— Fireworks! —*
Dynamite.gif M-242 300 Meat
Bor3snake.gif snake 300 Meat
Bor3sparkler.gif sparkler 300 Meat
— Just for Tots —*
Totstume2.gif li'l unicorn costume 1,000 Meat
Totstume3.gif li'l candy corn costume 1,000 Meat
— Oyster Egg Day Special —*
Basket.gif oyster basket 300 Meat
— Pool Toys! —*
Poolnoodle.gif foam noodle 300 Meat
Poolduck.gif inflatable duck 300 Meat
Poolwings.gif water wings 300 Meat
— Yuletide Treats —*
Marshmallow.gif marshmallow 100 Meat


That isn't a reasonable number in this context. Thanks for trying, though.
  • If you try to buy something without selecting it:
Remember that time when you tried to buy something without actually specifying what you wanted to buy? That was awesome.
  • In a Zombie Slayer run, the General is not around, but the store is still open:
To say that the General Store is in disarray would be an understatement -- many of the shelves have broken or fallen over, and goods are scattered everywhere. Some zombies are shuffling around listlessly, making half-hearted attempts at scavenging, but unable to find anything that they actually want (since the General wasn't in the habit of stocking human brains).
You feel a little uneasy at the prospect of just looting the General's merchandise, and decide to leave some Meat in the register.
There's a sign on the General Store that says "CLOSED DUE TO RADIATION" -- the General's PTSD must've kicked in when he saw the bombs fall.


Item: Price:
Balm.gif Ben-Gal™ Balm 24 Meat
Mascara.gif glittery mascara 24 Meat
Spraycan.gif hair spray 24 Meat
Fortune.gif fortune cookie 40 Meat
Beercart.gif beer cartilage 50 Meat
Gum.gif chewing gum on a string 50 Meat
Spraycan.gif spray paint 50 Meat
Powder.gif fermenting powder 70 Meat
Sodawater.gif soda water 70 Meat
Pass.gif casino pass 100 Meat
Permit.gif hermit permit 100 Meat
Spraycan.gif magicalness-in-a-can 200 Meat
Heart1.gif moxie weed 200 Meat
Coffeecup.gif strongness elixir 200 Meat
Rims.gif sweet rims 300 Meat
Partyhat.gif party hat 300 Meat*
Planks.gif dingy planks 400 Meat
Tterrarium.gif Familiar-Gro™ Terrarium 500 Meat
Buspass.gif Desert Bus pass 5000 Meat*
— Back to School! —*
Folder2.gif folder (blue) 10 Meat
Folder2.gif folder (green) 10 Meat
Folder2.gif folder (red) 10 Meat
— For The Kitchen —
Ezcook.gif E-Z Cook™ oven 50 Meat
1shaker.gif My First Shaker™ 50 Meat
Cocktailkit.gif Queue Du Coq cocktailcrafting kit 1,000 Meat
Oven.gif Dramatic™ range 1,000 Meat
— Fireworks! —*
Dynamite.gif M-242 300 Meat
Bor3snake.gif snake 300 Meat
Bor3sparkler.gif sparkler 300 Meat
— Oyster Egg Day Special —*
Basket.gif oyster basket 300 Meat
— Pool Toys! —*
Poolnoodle.gif foam noodle 300 Meat
Poolduck.gif inflatable duck 300 Meat
Poolwings.gif water wings 300 Meat
— Yuletide Treats —*
Marshmallow.gif marshmallow 100 Meat