The Far Future (Speak with the alien)
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Borg Scenario
First Chief Uhura fiddles with some dials and announces, "Coming up on the viewscreen now, <PlayerRank>."
A figure comes in to focus on the viewscreen and pronounces, "I am 1 of 1,000,000 of the Electrocollective Collective. In <n> minutes, we will assimilate your crew and ship. Resistance is futile."
"What do you mean assimilate?" |
"We will resist!" |
"What do you want with us?" |
"This conversation is futile" |
The first three responses simply repeat the same statement from the alien conversation. Selecting the last one is the only way to end the conversation and return you to the Bridge
Cloud Scenario
First time:
- First Chief Uhura fiddles with some dials and announces, "Coming up on the viewscreen now, <PlayerRank>."
- A nebulous cloud fades in on the viewscreen.
- "<PlayerRank>, either the cloud is silent or our communicators are on different frequencies," announces First Chief Uhura.
- The viewscreen fades out.
- "The hostile vessel is not responding, <PlayerRank>," First Chief Uhura informs you after a minute.
Crystalline Race Scenario
First Chief Uhura fiddles with some dials and announces, "Coming up on the viewscreen now, <PlayerRank>."
As the image clear, you see a strange being made of some sort of nearly-transparent crystalline substance.
A strange harmonic sound comes over the channel and you think maybe the being is looking at you expectantly as the sound fades.
Doesn't matter which option you choose, they all result in the same conversation
"Hello?" |
Wait patiently |
Enjoy the harmonic sounds |
After a few moments, the being turns off-screen and fiddles with something.
"Greetings fellow traveller."
Doesn't matter which option you choose, they all result in the same conversation
"Greetings. This is <PlayerRank> of this ship, the Starship Peddler." |
"Who are you and why are your weapon systems energized?" |
"My name, is <interesting chord sound>, but perhaps you had best refer to me as A# minor in your primitive language."
"The noise of your ship is rather discordant and we can not abide it. In the interest of interstellar harmony, we shall be bringing all systems on your ship to cesura in <n> measures."
Doesn't matter which option you choose, they all result in the same conversation
"We need those systems to live!" |
"Can make our emissions more harmonious?" |
"Unfortunately, your race is quite discordant. I believe it is best for your part to be tacet in coming compositions. Fine."
Returns you to the Bridge
Play the flute |
If you haven't asked Uhura to adjust the phase
You play a magnificent flute solo, and <alienChordName> listens quietly.
"That was wonderful, <PlayerRank>, but somehow out of phase."
"Unfortunately, your race is quite discordant. I believe it is best for your part to be tacet in coming compositions. Fine."
"That could have gone better," you tell the bridge crew as the image fades away.
Returns you to the Bridge
If you have asked Uhura to adjust the phase
- First Chief Uhura adjusts some knobs, "I think I have the phase dialed in, <PlayerRank>, blow that flute!"
- You perform a jaunty little number, incorporating all the notes of the Diminished E Flat 11th chord and then some.
- "Bravo! Bravo! Well done, <PlayerRank>. Perhaps there is hope for your race after all. We shall place mutes in our ears and abandon this sector at once."
- After returning to stardock, there is a grand parade and an awards ceremony; after all, you did resolve the situation without loss of life!
- Just as your commanding officer is pinning a second medal to your uniform, you feel yourself being pulled back from the future.
- "Well," you think, "at least I have the memory of earning <n> medals in the future."
You earn 2 medals in the future for this solution
Emoticon Scenario
First Chief Uhura fiddles with some dials and announces, "Coming up on the viewscreen now, <PlayerRank>."
A small humanoid creature resolves on the view screen, it appears to be wearing a striped conical hat.
"Hey there fellow traveller we were in the neighborhood and saw that you had quite a large crew," the creature says quickly and breathlessly.
"I'm Booprackfoopackding by the way in case you were wondering what's your name I heard the lady call you <PlayerRank> that's a weird name.
"We heard that your ancients are off the ship right now so we're going to come over for a spacekegger and party until the spacecows come home k that's cool right we'll be there in 44 minutes or so we've got spacechips and spacedip that we can bring do you have and spacebeer or spaceale if not we know a guy that can spacebuy..."
You try and get a word in edge-wise:
"Can you slow down?" |
"My apologies <PlayerRank> I'm trying to talk as slow as I can but your race is so antisocial I don't even know how you can survive without communicating properly anyways..."
"You want to have a party?" |
"Who are the ancients?" |
"Yeah the ancients the old people the parents the man the fuddy-duddies they don't seem to be on your ship right now so we thought we could get together and exchange emotions talk and long protein strands we'll see you soon k thanks bye!"
The viewscreen shuts off. Only a few seconds have passed but it takes you a minute or so before your brain can slow down and process what just happened.
Returns you to the Bridge
Warrior Scenario
First time:
First Chief Uhura fiddles with some dials and announces, "Coming up on the viewscreen now, <PlayerRank>."
A scarred, rugged, bumpy humanoid with dark complexion materializes on the view screen, "This is Warleader K'HokGar, to whom am I raging?"
"<PlayerRank> <Name> of the Peddler." |
"Warleader <Name> of the Peddler." |
"A Federation Officer." |
"Your worst nightmare." |
K'HokGar bows his head slightly.
"Fine, that will do. I must inform you that you and your crew have <n> minutes to live."
"This will be your last mistake." |
"Oh no, what did we do?" |
"How can we resolve this situation peacefully?" |
"Unfortunately, you and your crew have less than that." |
"The name of your ship, Peddler, in our language insinuates that our aunt snogged a badger. For this, you will die."
"Yeah, well, Peddler!" |
"There's been a terrible misunderstanding!" |
"Not if you die first!" |
"I'm sure we can resolve this peacefully." |
"Very brave words, <PlayerRank>," K'HokGar aknowledges.
"I and my boarding party will see you soon. Prepare for your end."
The viewscreen fades out.
Looks like you spoke with K'HokGar for about a minute.
Returns you to the Bridge
Subsequent times:
K'HokGar appears on the viewscreen, "What do you want, worm?"
"I want to ask you to leave us alone." |
"You best turn around, for your own health." |
"You have some fight in you, do you?"
"Well, <PlayerRank>," says K'HokGar begrudgingly, "you have aquitted[sic] yourself well in this conversation, and your warning shot was not terrible."
Consulting a large book, he continues, "according to the Blastun dictionary, Peddler, when spoken by an equal is a term of respect as opposed to an insult. I've decided to let you live. Goodbye."
- After returning to stardock, there is a grand parade and an awards ceremony; after all, you did resolve the situation without loss of life!
- Just as your commanding officer is pinning a second medal to your uniform, you feel yourself being pulled back from the future.
- "Well," you think, "at least I have the memory of earning <n> medals in the future."
You earn 2 medals in the future for this solution
Occurs at the the Bridge and choosing "Speak with the alien".