Located in The Dungeoneers' Association in the Big Mountains. Only appears when you have at least 45 (base, unbuffed) points in the main stat for your class.
A primary stat of 44 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- As you near the sign, you start to get nervous. The nearer you get, the nervouser you get. Then you get nervous because you're not sure if "nervouser" is a word or not. After thinking about this for a few seconds, you turn around and leave.
(It is recommended that you have at least 44 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Upon discovering The Secret of the Dungeons of Doom, this location is replaced with The Dungeons of Doom. Trying to access the Enormous Greater-Than Sign location via the "Last Adventure" link then yields the message:
- This area should no longer be accessible to you.
Combat Adventures
lowercase B -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: left parenthesis
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 58 • Substat Gain: 14.5 • Moxie for No Hit*: 68
- Monster Defense: 52
- Hit Points: 70
- Initiative: 40
- Elemental Alignment: None
Non-Combat Adventures
Retired Adventures
- Attempting to adventure here without at least 45 base mainstat (via URL submission) results in the message:
- You shouldn't be here.
- Opening the Sign, and then losing enough base mainstat to put yourself below 45, will cause the Sign to disappear from The Dungeoneers' Association and be inaccessable as above.
- Your (de)buffed mainstat may be lower than 45 and still allow access (merely resulting in the recommendation message if it is below 44;) only your base mainstat is used to determine if the Sign exists for you.
- On March 18th, 2010 many adventures in this zone were retired and replaced with unidentified versions of The Dungeons of Doom.
- Everything about this area is a reference to the computer game NetHack. It is a freeware game, available from the official website.
- The various ASCII characters used to represent the monsters and dungeons reference the interface in NetHack.