The Don's Crimbo Compound

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Don Crimbo
Don Crimbo

The Don's compound is located in Crimbo Town.

First visit

If you deployed no hobos for the Don

"I see you chose not to partake in my fundraising efforts. If you wish to earn some Crimbux, the currency of Crimbo Town -- and keep your head attached -- you can do me a small favor."

Tell me about this favor.

If you deployed hobos for the Don

"I see you were [no so much successful/slightly out of your depth/somewhat skilled/most efficient] in your fundraising endeavors. As such, I am prepared to offer you X Crimbux as a reward. Crimbux are the new currency of Crimbo. Everything to eat, drink, wear, or enjoy here in Crimbotown can only be purchased with these." Crimbuck

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire X Crimbux

"You may find this initial supply insufficient, but I am prepared to offer you more Crimbux if you will do me a small favor."

Tell me about this favor.

The Don's Favors

First Favor

"As you have seen, I am determined to make this the biggest, most festive Crimbo season ever. For this reason, I have collected meat from all over the Kingdom, and I have tasked the Crimbo elves to work even harder than usual to make toys. But the elves, as Uncle Crimbo warned me, have proven to be lazy, shiftless, disloyal ingrates, and are displeasing me greatly. I have tried motivating them with more Crimbux, better working conditions, and threats of violence, and now the elves appear to be happily working. But I have come to know that there is a secret elven resistance operating behind their cheerful facade.

Several times today, the toy-making machinery has ground to a halt because some elf keeps throwing a wrench in the works. I would very much like you to find the elf responsible and eliminate the threat. I will pay you 250 Crimbux for this task. Should you find more evidence of resistance, I will pay you Crimbux for that, as well. I appreciate your immediate investigation into this matter."

Upon completion:

"Here is your reward for taking out that monkey-wrenching nuisance. Not only are you on the 'nice' list, but your continued health and good fortune are all but assured."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire 250 Crimbux

Second Favor

"It would appear that the elven resistance is continuing to make trouble. The doll-head-attachment machine -- which is fearsomely complex for such a simple operation, but never mind that -- keeps breaking down. Gears and girders simply fall from the machine, almost as if their supports had been severed. Find the elf responsible, and I will reward you."

Upon completion:

"Here is your reward for taking out that bolt-cutting nuisance. Not only are you on the 'nice' list, but your continued health and good fortune are all but assured."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire 250 Crimbux

Third Favor

"The elven resistance have found how unwise it is to attack my machinery, but it would appear they've begun to sow discontent among normally honest, hardworking elves. The factory's production is down by at least 50%, and it would please me greatly to know why. It is in both of our best interests that you find the responsible party."

Upon completion:

"Here is your reward for taking out that propaganda-spewing nuisance. Not only are you on the 'nice' list, but your continued health and good fortune are all but assured."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire 250 Crimbux

Fourth Favor

"These elven terrorists are taxing the very limits of my patience. The power is randomly going out in the factory, and when it's on, circuits keep shorting out and machinery runs too fast, too slow, or backwards. I do not find this in the slightest bit amusing. It would improve my mood greatly if the elf responsible were to be brought to justice."

Upon completion:

"Here is your reward for taking out that wire-crossing nuisance. Not only are you on the 'nice' list, but your continued health and good fortune are all but assured."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire 250 Crimbux

Fifth Favor

"There is total chaos in the factory today, and it is apparently beyond the ability of my most trusted enforcers to restore order. It would appear that the man behind the entire resistance, Edwing Abbidriel, has emerged from hiding and is attacking the very heart of the Crimbo factory, and the holiday itself: the giant Crimbo tree at the center of the factory. I would encourage you to make haste to put a stop to this nonsense, or Crimbo is doomed. And what's worse, I shall be most displeased."

Upon completion:

"Here is your reward for taking out that rabble-rousing nuisance. Not only are you on the 'nice' list, but your continued health and good fortune are all but assured."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire 250 Crimbux

No Favor Pending (before Day 5 only)

For the time being, the factory is running smoothly. Visit me tomorrow, and I may have another little task for you.

All Favors Completed

"Thanks in no small part to your efforts, the factory is again running smoothly. I do not anticipate further problems."

If you have X elf resistance buttons

"I see that you have come to be in possession of a number of elf resistance buttons -- I will gladly pay you <5X> Crimbux for these tools of the resistance. What do you say?"

Trade 'em in.

"Your continued loyalty shall not go unrewarded."

Crimbuck.gifYou acquire some Crimbux


  • The amount of Crimbux you earned from having completed the hobo deployments is either 500, 1000, 2000, 3000 or (for the select N that made it onto the top N leader board slots) 5000. You got 3000 Crimbux if you collected more than 140,000 Meat for the Don's Crimbo fund, 2000 for collecting between X and 140,000 Meat and 1000 for collecting between Y and X Meat.
  • If you miss one or more days of performing favors, you can still perform them all on subsequent days, provided you spend the requisite number of turns to complete each favor.
  • Once you receive your first task from Edwing Abbidriel this location is replaced with Don Crimbo's Compound.