The Den of Iquity

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The Den of Iquity
The Den of Iquity

This would be a comfortably-appointed den, if your idea of comfort was a couch made of jagged scrap metal and an old black-and-white TV tuned to the static and shrieking channel.

But no wonder the television isn't working -- it looks like it's got an old metal pole from a clothesline where its antenna should be.

Turn up the television
  • Once per ascension, if "Wash your hands" and "Bang the Hubcap" have already been done in the other two subzones and Doctor Oh, the Junksprite Boss has not already been fought:
Doctor Oh, the Junksprite Boss This monster is a Humanoid -- (edit metadata)
Js oh.gif
  • Item Drops: eternal car battery
  • Meat Drop: None
  • Monster Level: 40 • Substat Gain: 10 • Moxie for No Hit*: 50
  • Monster Defense: 40
  • Hit Points: 60
  • Initiative: 0
  • Elemental Alignment: None
  • Otherwise:

You turn up volume knob on the television until it breaks off, filling the entire underground complex with extremely annoying noise. So annoying, in fact, that you have no choice but to leave.

Take the antenna

You take the antenna, making the television's reception only slightly worse.

Junkpole.gifYou acquire an item: old clothesline pole

Yank some wires out of the wall

You tear a bunch of copper wires out of random holes in the patchwork metal walls. They probably weren't serving any important purpose, right?

Junkwire.gifYou acquire an item: tangle of copper wire

Occurs at Once More Unto the Junk.


  • Turning up the television, if not triggering the boss fight, still consumes an adventure.
  • You can only take the antenna once per ascension.