The Degrassi Knoll Bakery and Hardware Store

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Dk warchef.gif Welcome, Citizen, to the Degrassi Knoll Bakery and Hardware Store. We have a wide selection of cooking implements and ingredients, as well as many general goods to suit every purpose, no matter how specific.

Items Sold

Items for sale:
Item: (click for description) Price:
— Cooking Supplies —
Pietin.gif Gnollish pie tin 30 Meat
Dough.gif wad of dough 50 Meat
Flatdough.gif flat dough 70 Meat
Sharpstick.gif skewer 80 Meat
Tacoshell.gif taco shell 80 Meat
Cdish.gif Gnollish casserole dish 150 Meat
— Hardware —
Cog.gif cog 20 Meat
Tank.gif empty meat tank 20 Meat
Spring.gif spring 20 Meat
Sprocket.gif sprocket 20 Meat
Tire.gif tires 28 Meat
— General Goods —
Beanie.gif bugbear beanie 70 Meat
Furpants.gif bugbear bungguard 70 Meat
Skirt.gif frilly skirt 80 Meat
Swatter.gif Gnollish flyswatter 80 Meat
Gnollplunger.gif Gnollish plunger 80 Meat
Maidwig.gif maiden wig 80 Meat
Radio.gif detuned radio 300 Meat

The Bakery & Hardware Store is located in Degrassi Knoll (friendly).


  • This store can only be accessed by adventurers born under the Mongoose, Wallaby, or Vole moon sign.
  • In a Zombie Slayer run, the chef has vanished, but the shop is open:
    Degrassi Knoll's General Store is in disarray, having obviously been rummaged through. There's still quite a lot of merchandise on the shelves, though -- perhaps whoever was doing the looting was in a hurry, and didn't have a lot of inventory space for tires and flyswatters? That seems likely.
    It seems unlikely that anyone's going to be coming back any time soon, but you resolve to leave the meat for anything you take, just in case. You may be a bloodthirsty monster, but you aren't a dick.