The Deep Dark Jungle is one of the adventure zones on
Conspiracy Island.
Combat Adventures
bigface -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: "meat" stick, Sasq™ watch
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: Player's Moxie+5 • Substat Gain: unknown • Moxie for No Hit*: Player's Moxie+5
- Monster Defense: Player's Muscle+5
- Hit Points: 75% of Defense
- Initiative: 0
- Elemental Alignment: spooky, weak against hot and stench
Non-combat Adventures
Fun and Games!
- Note: Occurs on first visit to the zone.
- Note: Does not consume an adventure
If you are looking for jungle puns and have the encrypted micro-cassette recorder equipped, you'll have one of the following messages added to each combat:
- You try to think of a good jungle pun, but you don't come up with anything. If only you were smarter...
- A jungle pun occurs to you. You press record and say "<pun> " Heh heh heh. Good one, <<playername>>.
- List of puns:
- Are you a jaguar, or a jaguaren't?
- Binturong? Now you're just making up words.
- Boa constrictor? I hardly know her!
- Hey, Sumatran rhinoceros! Up yours!
- Hey, you monkeys. Quit monkeying around over there!
- Hippopotamus? More like square-o-potamus if you ask me!
- I just don't see any point to this tapir.
- If we're voting on the aye-aye, then I say nay-nay!
- Look at that lion over there. He's just lion around! So lazy!
- Millipede? I almost did!
- Ocelot? Ocelittle, am I right?
- Some lemur! More like a lamer! Ha!
- Spider monkey? No, I haven't seen it anywhere.
- Stupid macaw! Shame on you for screwing up a perfectly good palindrome!
- That gorilla is making me ill, eh?
- That's one hell of an elephant!
- There's a python that really knows how to rock! Because it is a rock python.
- There's one toucan who toucouldn't!
- These bats are driving me batty!
- These mandrills are both screwy, and boring!
- This armadillo is a real armadullo.
- You've got to be echidnaing me!