The Crimbo Cartel

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Hammockbrogre.gif This content has been retired and is no longer available in game.
The Crimbo Cartel

When benevolent businessman Don Crimbo took over operation of Crimbo Town, he opened the Crimbo Cartel, where a wide variety of items could be had for a reasonable price.

Liotta Mafalda, The Cartel Proprietor Liotta Mafalda, The Cartel Proprietor

Hey, ya mook, this ain't a library. You can look at the descriptions of this stuff real quick if you've gotta, but then buy something or vamoose, capisce?

You currently have X Crimbux.

  • On December 28th, 2009:

Only three shopping days left before Crimbo Town fades back into the mists!

  • On December 29th, 2009:

Only two shopping days left before Crimbo Town fades back into the mists!

  • On December 30th, 2009:

Only one shopping day left before Crimbo Town fades back into the mist!

  • On December 31st, 2009:

Crimbo Town is closing tonight -- this is your last chance to shop!

Items Sold

Item: Price:
Crate.gif battered Crimbo Crate Crimbuck.gif 1
Crate.gif dusty Crimbo crate Crimbuck.gif 5
Crate.gif sturdy Crimbo crate Crimbuck.gif 10
Wreath.gif Crimbo wreath Crimbuck.gif 100
Crimbolights.gif string of Crimbo lights Crimbuck.gif 100
Plasticdeer.gif plastic Crimbo reindeer Crimbuck.gif 100
Gingerhouse.gif gingerbread house Crimbuck.gif 500
Crimbotin.gif leftover Crimbo rations Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Book3.gif A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 Crimbuck.gif 1,000
Showhat.gif snow hat Crimbuck.gif 2,000
Snowbelt.gif snow belly Crimbuck.gif 2,000
Snowmanpants.gif snow pants Crimbuck.gif 2,000
Snowpile.gif pile of loose snow Crimbuck.gif 5,000
Crimbough.gif Crimbough Crimbuck.gif 10,000

