The Compostal Service

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The Compostal Service
The Compostal Service

Near one of the myriad giant garbage piles in The Heap, you find a smaller-than-usual but more-interesting-than-usual pile of lush, fragrant compost. Your inner hippy thinks it'd be a shame to waste all that lovely fertilizer in a place where nothing really grows. Maybe you could have Richard take it someplace where it could be better used?

Be green

You knock on a nearby steam tunnel hatch, and a few moments later Richard pops up. "Can you think of anywhere we might be able to use this compost?" you ask.

He raises an eyebrow and stares at you for a second before having something that's either an aneurysm or an idea.

"Yeah, yeah," he says, "this is perfect -- I'll take it over and fertilize the flowers in the Burial Ground. That'll teach 'em."

He loads the pile of compost into a wheelbarrow and disappears down the tunnel before you get a chance to ask him what, exactly, this process will teach the hobos.


Man, what were you thinking. Your inner hippy? Your inner hippy? The day you have an inner hippy is the day you start spending most of your time punching yourself in the stomach. You beat feet before you have any more positive environmental impulses.

Occurs at The Heap.


  • Reduces the damage due to general stink while fighting in the Heap.
  • Choosing the Be gone option does not consume an adventure.


  • Might be a reference to the American electronic indie pop band 'The Postal Service', composed of vocalist Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset and Figurine.