The Chaosthetician

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The Chaosthetician
The Chaosthetician

Inside the gift shop, a wounded Chaosthetician lounges sweatily on the floor.

"Would you ah, help me, ah, with my ah, ah, ah, my research?"

When not owning the harness:

Sure, I'll help

Tremendous! Just ah, ah, tremendous. Wear this, and my ah, ah, my instruments will ah, well, they'll just do all the work for you!

Dripharness.gifYou acquire an item: awkward dinosaur research harness

When already owning one and not having enough data:

Looks like you've collected X bits of data. I need Y bits to make progress.

When having enough data:

Looks like you've collected X bits of data. I need X bits to make progress.

Give him your research

You have my ah, ah, my, how should I put this my, ah, gratitude.

Dinobuck.gifYou acquire 10 Dinodollars

Come back later

Occurs at Dinosaur Research Facility Visitor's Center.


  • The quest requires winning combats against any dinos with the harness equipped. The harness enchantments make the combats harder.
  • The amount requested starts at 20 every rollover and increases by 5 for every subsequent request.
  • You get 1 point for every combat.
  • You cannot get more points after the requested amount is collected, you also lose all collected points if you collected more than 20 before the rollover and finished the quest (reset to 20) after it.


  • The Chaosthetician references Ian Malcolm from the movie Jurassic Park, who was a mathematician specialized in chaos theory. He was played by a wild-haired Jeff Goldblum and had a habit of both lounging sweatily and saying "ah" a lot.