The Bubblin' Caldera is found in That 70s Volcano.
A primary stat of 90 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- This zone might be too tough for you.
(It is recommended that you have at least 90 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
Combat Adventures
Non-combat Adventures
Caldera Air
- Note: Occurs on first visit to the zone.
- Note: Does not consume an adventure.
- This zone deals passive hot damage every combat round (reduced by Hot resistance):
You accidentally swallow some of the lava you're swimming in.
Some of the lava you're swimming in goes between your toes.
You realize, to your horror, that you are still swimming in lava!
Some of the lava you're swimming in seeps up into your pantlegs.
Some of the lava you're swimming in goes down your shirt.
The floor is lava, and so is everything else. It burns!
Some of the lava you're swimming in goes up your nose.
- At the end of combat in this zone, one the following messages will display if you have heat-resistant sheet metal in your inventory:
A pocket of especially intense lava melts one of your heatproof sheet metal bits into an unrecognizable molten mess!
Or, once per day (~5% chance?):The lava you're swimming in melts a piece of heatproof sheet metal in your sack. Guess it was heatproof, but not heatproof.