The Blender

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The Blender

Blenders know how to have a good time at a cocktail party.


Unlocks the Gnomish Gnomad Camp
+10% to all Mysticality Gains
+5 Adventures per day from Booze


  • Adds 5 adventures to the first booze item drunk each day.
    • When receiving the adventure bonus, the following message is appended to the end of the drinking text:
    You pause for a moment and reflect on the moons above you. All four of them. -hic-
  • A zero-adventure booze (such as a bottle of sewage schnapps) will not trigger the benefit from this sign; instead, the sign's effect will apply to the first adventure-giving booze you drink.


  • The effect prior to May 17, 2011 did not include the Mysticality gain.

See Also

Moon Signs
Additional zone Strboost.gif Effect Wand.gif Effect Discomask.gif Effect
friendly Degrassi Knoll Mongoose +20% Physical Damage Wallaby +20% Spell Damage Vole +20% Combat Initiative,
+20 Maximum HP/MP
Little Canadia Platypus Familiar Weight +5 lbs. Opossum +5 Adv. from first food/day Marmot Slight Resistance to All Elements (+1)
Gnomish Gnomad Camp Wombat +20% Meat from Monsters Blender +5 Adv. from first booze/day Packrat +10% Items from Monsters
Hey Deze Bad Moon Many crazy adventures