It is possible to deny yourself access to this area by selling or pulverizing the components of the two level 12 outfits. If you cannot buy or otherwise retrieve a new outfit, there is an adventure that drops the full War Hippy Fatigues outfit.
For a more general overview of the battlefield, go to The Battlefield.
For information on the Frat Boys' side of the war, go to The Battlefield (Frat Warrior Fatigues).
A primary stat of 180 is suggested. If your main stat isn't high enough, you'll see the following message:
- Are you sure you've steeled your resolve, and your buns, enough to weather the frat boy onslaught?
(It is recommended that you have at least 180 <mainstat> to adventure here.)
First Adventure
Standard Encounters
War Frat Elite Wartender -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: beer bomb, beer bomb, beer helmet, bejeweled pledge pin, distressed denim pants, kick-ass kicks, molotov cocktail cocktail, PADL Phone, sake bomb, sake bomb, tequila grenade, blue class ring
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 195 • Substat Gain: 48.75 • Moxie for No Hit*: 205
- Monster Defense: 166
- Hit Points: 220
- Initiative: 70
- Elemental Alignment: sleaze, weak against cold and spooky
- Note: Can afflict you with Easily Embarrassed.
- Note: The molotov cocktail cocktail and tequila grenade will not drop unless you have completed the Lighthouse sidequest as a Frat Warrior.
War Frat Wartender -- (edit metadata)
- Item Drops: beer bomb, beer bomb, beer helmet, bejeweled pledge pin, distressed denim pants, kick-ass kicks, molotov cocktail cocktail, PADL Phone, sake bomb, tequila grenade, red class ring
- Meat Drop: None
- Monster Level: 185 • Substat Gain: 46.25 • Moxie for No Hit*: 195
- Monster Defense: 157
- Hit Points: 200
- Initiative: 70
- Elemental Alignment: sleaze, weak against cold and spooky
- Note: The molotov cocktail cocktail and tequila grenade will only drop if you have completed the Lighthouse sidequest as a Frat Warrior.
- The heroes are rare encounters. It is possible to encounter more than one of them per ascension but not the same one multiple times. It is also possible to encounter none of them.
- Heroes have a minimum image number before they are added to the pool of potentials encounters. For example: Monty appears at image 24 and onwards.
- Each specific hero will only show up for a window of "100 casualties".
- Macros will auto abort when facing heroes.
- If you have Zombo's skull ring equipped during combat adventures, and the enemies are male, you will see the message:
The frat boy glances at your ring, says "Master." and immediately paddles himself for 300-350 damage.