tequila sunset
This is a drink made from tequila and tangerines.
Swiftly flows the booze
Cocktails turn overnight to hangovers
Blossoming even as you snooze
(Cocktailcrafting ingredient) Type: booze (good) Potency: 3 Level required: 3 Selling Price: 130 Meat. (In-game plural: tequila sunsets) | |
Obtained From
- Stores
- The Gnomish Micromicrobrewery (sometimes) (390 Meat)
- Familiars
- Dropped after combat by a Lil' Barrel Mimic (sometimes)
When Consumed
You drink just another tequila sunset. Sunrise, sunset... is this the little drink you crafted?
You gain 3 Drunkenness.
- The poem here is a play on the song "Sunrise, Sunset" from Fiddler On The Roof -- specifically on the lyrics "Swiftly flow the days / Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers / blossoming even as we gaze."
- The message when consumed is from the first line of the same song, "Is this the little girl I carried?"
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