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Generate a random body part, for use with hit and critical hit messages, particularly those for monsters (see {{battle}}).


Due to the way the wiki optimizes the use of this template, one has to use slightly different notation if you want distinct bodyparts to be generated with multiple calls to the template on the same page.

  • He hits you in the {{part}} and the {{part}}, and then bites you in the {{part}}. You hate getting bit in the {{part}}.
    He hits you in the <shoulder> and the <knee>, and then bites you in the <skull>. You hate getting bit in the <shoulder>.
  • He hits you in the {{part|}} and the {{part|}}, and then bites you in the {{part|}}. You hate getting bit in the {{part|}}.
    He hits you in the <knee> and the <ear>, and then bites you in the <knee>. You hate getting bit in the <knee>.
  • He hits you in the {{part|}} and the {{part|}}, and then bites you in the {{part}}. You hate getting bit in the {{part}}.
    He hits you in the <kidney> and the <face>, and then bites you in the <thigh>. You hate getting bit in the <shoulder>.

Notice how all calls to {{part}} have the same value in all of the above examples. However {{part|}} is evaluated randomly each time (but may not always be distinct). As in the third example, this can be exploited a bit when the message actually intentionally uses the same part in multiple places.