From TheKolWiki
<center><table><tr><td>[[File:{{#if:{{{2|}}}|{{{2}}}|{{Bounties|{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}}|{{Data|{{PAGENAME}}|bounty}}}}}}}}]]</td><td>You acquire a bounty item: '''{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|{{Data|{{PAGENAME}}|bounty}}}}'''</td></tr></table>(X of {{#if:{{{3|}}}|{{{3}}}|{{Bounties|{{#if:{{{1|}}}|{{{1}}}|{{Data|{{PAGENAME}}|bounty}}}}|qty}}}} found)</center>
- Used in one of three forms; either:
- Specify no arguments: {{AcquireBounty}} if used on a monster page where the monster data indicates the bounty.
- Specify 1 argument: {{AcquireBounty|name of bounty item}}
- Specify 3 arguments: {{AcquireBounty|name of bounty item|itemimage.gif|number required to complete bounty}}
- The first 2 forms make use of the data stored in the {{Bounties}} template.