Tasteful black bow tie

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tasteful black bow tie
tasteful black bow tie

This is a bow tie for your mafia penguin. The Penguin Mafia has a predilection for bow ties -- probably because they're also a type of pasta, and most likely because no one dares tell them how dorky they look while wearing them. This'll give your penguin a bad case of savoir-faire, with gusts up to panache.

Type: familiar equipment
Familiar: Penguin Goodfella
Selling Price: 75 Meat.

+5 to Familiar Weight

(In-game plural: tasteful black bow ties)
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Item number: 2448
Description ID: 476592435
View in-game: view
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Obtained From

The Cake-Shaped Arena
Every 5th win with a Penguin Goodfella equipped
box of Familiar Jacks

See Also


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