Talk:The Barrelmech of Diogenes

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Negative Monster Level

Just don't apply it. Sufficient negative Monster Level will cause this monster to take more damage from some sources. I had -275 monster level, and 30 turns left of Boner Battalion. It was doing about 68 (+69) (i.e. 130ish) damage. This equates to roughly double (but with the odd numbers clearly it wasn't precisely that). That combined with other passive damage was causing over 150, so it wasn't clear if the per round cap was affected. If someone wants to spade it fine -- but if you're really trying to kill it, I suggest not using negative ML.

I confirmed that it was the negative monster level by removing the equipment causing it, and fighting him again first thing after rollover. Boner Battalion was doing its proper damage 30 (+30) ish. The only difference was the lack of negative ML. All other effects had remained in place. --Hastifer (talk) 22:44, 15 January 2016 (UTC)