Talk:SongBoom™ BoomBox

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Do songs without a G in the name (ie, anything other than Eye of the Giger) have an effect in G-Lover? I'd imagine SinG AlonG would still work, but didn't know if it would still work if tuned to a non-G song. Jimfromtx (talk) 04:13, 4 June 2018 (UTC)

It's not an effect, it just works like the strung-up quartet once you've set it. The only things the path checks for are using the item itself (sonGboom boombox), the active skill (sinG alonG), and the various usable drops (niGhtmare fuel, shieldinG potion, punchinG potion, Gathered meat-clip). The Special Seasoning, though admittedly having a G in its name, wouldn't even need to in order to have its effects, since you don't use it directly.
Also, as a general rule, IotMs are always designed to work perfectly in the current challenge path (though I'll admit that's only a general rule — pretty sure there was one case in the last couple years that serves as a counterexample). --KingBobson (talk) 04:23, 4 June 2018 (UTC)