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Is Moxie a possible reference to the 1991 play 'Lost in Yonkers' in which the reoccurring theme "That's Moxie!" is present? -Pizzabox "has no idea how to properly sign" Man

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  3. it seems unlikely that a play from the nineties is the source of this reference, given that the soft drink is from 1876. --Evilkolbot 06:32, 25 September 2007 (CDT)

I recently made a reference regarding the soft drink named "Moxie". JRSiebz deleted this soon after, saying this isn't a reference. I would suggest to him that many people have never even heard of the drink Moxie, and that the addition of the reference can only broaden the information provided by this wiki. I cannot see why it need be removed.

--Riley K 05:56, 23 December 2005 (Central Standard Time)

To back up Riley here is the Wikipedia article on Moxie. [[1]] Also I wanted to add that I seem to remember ONE time of seeing moxie refered to as panache in the game. Since its rather minor i guess it shouldent go in the Moxie substat names list but who knows, someone can add it if they think its relevant =P It took me forever to find how to spell "panache" by the way, after searching all through pinosh pionosh pinash pinache i finally found it through my spell checker. What a toughy, jeez! Jihiro 16:54, 11 April 2006 (CDT)

I am fairly sure that moxie reduces damage taken when you do not dodge... actually, I am almost 100% sure this is the case. Should this be added? Free pizza 20:46, 29 April 2006 (CDT)

Why is moxie considered the secondary stat for seal clubbers and saucerors, but not turtle tamers and pastamancers? 29 June 2006, 1:05 PM EST

The more physical of the group always has either moxie or muscle as secondary stat, this works out for all classes, also it all balances out in the end. Spotthedog, 15 July.

Not Moxious enough?

I'm sure this is old news, but I couldn't seem to find it anywhere on the Wiki or in the Forums, so: I just received the following message in The WarBear Fortress:

You're not quite Moxious enough to work the The Trickster's Trikitixa against a foe this strong, so you only manage to deal 11 damage.

I have never seen that message before this Crimbo season. (And it wasn't happening the other day.) What giveth? --Baltar (talk) 00:39, 23 December 2013 (UTC)

  • That's a general message that indicates a glancing blow. The concept of weapon attack misses being replaced by glancing blows was introduced while back. I'm not sure if those messages are documented on the wiki.--Prestige (talk) 01:25, 23 December 2013 (UTC)
    • Apparently not. Not even hit chance was updated. The wiki has not updated at all for glancing blows, but I have no clue where to start. — Cool12309 (talk) 02:15, 23 December 2013 (UTC)