Talk:Map to the Biggest Barrel
From TheKolWiki
There is a video of McNally86 using this item and losing to the boss -
There is a video of McNally86 prepping for this boss, using the map, and beating the boss. He lands the final blow around 24:15 -
It appears to regenerate a certain number of times.
- General_Herpes
- It's a trick boss, apparently. "A certain number of times", in this case, appears to be "indefinitely", unless the trick is that it's a really super high amount. I went after it with attacks that caused it to regenerate each hit, a familiar that was triggering the same thing, a couple pufferfish spines just to crank up the damage (and regenerations, I guess), and soggy used band-aids to keep me alive (it's a stun-resistant boss, it turns out), and I timed out at round 30. So now it's just a matter of finding the trick. CaptainSpam (talk) 10:14, 15 September 2015 (UTC)
- trick is that above a certain value of total damage he heals. One Aoili was doing too little, but two caused him to heal. Word on the forums is 150, seems kosher. --Evilkolbot (talk) 16:28, 15 September 2015 (UTC)
- Looks like it. I chucked a bunch of round blue bombs at it, stopping to heal once, and it eventually died. Now then, who's making the barrelmech page? Or the Biggest Barrel page, for that matter? :-) CaptainSpam (talk) 04:03, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
- I just encountered this. I'm on an old school no-path hardcore sauceror run. Just started day 7 and I have cycled every Barrel Boon on each of the last days. So today's boon is the only option (The class specific boost and the first repeated boon) and I receive this item when I accept the boon.
- Upon losing to the boss, you can regain the map used to summon it. Just for the record I did 2x 1000 dmg plus Saucegeysers on it, and it still destroyed me (only +10 ML). I'm a noob. Don't hurt me :)
- You can only use the map once per day: "You're still sore from your last encounter with that barrel. Maybe try again tomorrow." --Vormov (talk) 18:37, 17 September 2015 (UTC)
custom animation
- in between using the map and fighting the barrel, there's a set of very cool animations. go hotstuff! how are we going to represent this? --Evilkolbot (talk) 12:02, 17 September 2015 (UTC)