Talk:Loofah lumberjack's hat
From TheKolWiki
- Started looking at this in depth. 100 fights with only the hat (1 loofah item), +10% Mus gains for moon sign and +25% Mys gains for Mysticality Day, no Moxie gain bonus. I got +1 Mox about 2/3 of the time and +2 Mox about 1/3 of the time. 50% of the time my Mus gain was the same as my Mox gain, and 50% of the time my Mus gain was my Mox gain +1. Evactly the same thing could be said of my Mys gains. So far, it looks like there is a base gain, affected by modifiers, but if the modified gain is not an integer then it's 50/50 whether it's rounded up or down. --Aventuristo (talk) 02:56, 29 June 2023 (UTC)