Talk:Hippy Army MPE

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Visiting the farm (quest completed) in the outfit prior to opening the MPE will allow for obtaining megatofu regardless of the outfit worn when completing the quest originally. --Sir Roger 16:56, 9 July 2007 (CDT)

  • Fixed with a trivial update, the Farmer now only puts in the item for the side that completes the quest. So no more getting lager *and* megatofu. An ex-exploiter is you! On a different note, from what I can tell, if you have the megatofu in yours, the food and drink items seem to be roughly split evenly, from what I see from personal experimentation, plus Denarius's test below. Meaning you have a 50% chance of walnuts, same for greens, and a 33% chance or so at each of the 3 drinks. I'd do a large-scale test, but I'm in HC and only have 7 of them. Any spades out there? --Jimfromtx 03:48, 6 October 2007 (CDT)

opening 100 of these (at once!) gave the following:-

You acquire 51 bowls of mixed wildflower greens 
You acquire 49 handfuls of walnuts 
You acquire 100 blocks of megatofu 
You acquire 32 Genalen™ Bottles 
You acquire 36 bottles of cruelty-free wine 
You acquire 32 bottles of thistle wine 

--Denarius 20:56, 6 July 2007 (CDT)

that would indicate you always get 1 megatofu, one food item and one drink item. This makes sense as a MPE is a single meal. I will try opening a bunch one at a time later.--Error1 21:08, 6 July 2007 (CDT) edit I just oppend 5 giving me the folowing:-

You pop open the rations...
You acquire an item: mixed wildflower greens
You acquire an item: handful of walnuts
You acquire an item: Genalen™ Bottle
You pop open the rations...
You acquire 2 handfuls of walnuts
You acquire an item: cruelty-free wine
You pop open the rations...
You acquire 2 bowls of mixed wildflower greens
You acquire an item: cruelty-free wine
You pop open the rations...
You acquire an item: handful of walnuts
You acquire 2 Genalen™ Bottles
You pop open the rations...
You acquire 2 bowls of mixed wildflower greens
You acquire an item: Genalen™ Bottle

That fits with the one food one drink idea, but no megatofu. It must open up when you do the quest, the same as the special lager. --Error1 05:05, 7 July 2007 (CDT)

Opening 40 at once gave the following:-

You acquire 39 bowls of mixed wildflower greens
You acquire 28 handfuls of walnuts
You acquire 13 Genalen™ Bottles
You acquire 17 bottles of cruelty-free wine
You acquire 23 bottles of thistle wineFNORD

--Dalgar 20:42, 12 September 2007 (CDT)

Regarding my odd delation that was rightfully undone, I totally misread the text as having to with trading the item to the frat army at the frat house. So... yeah. i=dunb--Brion thenotgiant 21:10, 26 May 2008 (CDT)