Talk:Higher Plane Serpents

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I one-hit-killed for 183 damage as a level 7 moxie class. Substat gain 5/10/17. Is this similar to your results? --LucySpace 00:52, 2 June 2006 (CDT)

Badger / Snake. need say no more. --Shokwave 08:21, 2 June 2006 (CDT)

Okay, more testing gives an HP range of 136-155. --LucySpace 16:12, 6 June 2006 (CDT)


EraDateEncounteredpink-frosted astral cupcakeInformationSource
Era 130-Jly-06759155Item Drop Bonus: +20%Yiab
30-Jly-0617146Item Drop Bonus: +40%Yiab
30-Jly-0618744Item Drop Bonus: +50%Yiab