Talk:Gas balloon

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Missing text

You toss the gas balloon at your opponent. It pops near him, and he wobbles back and forth a bit before passing out, giggling.

Smooth-as-Silk gives him a wet willy, using ice-cold water instead of spit. He takes 58 damage from the cold.

Your opponent just lays there, still unconscious from the gas ballon.

This last line also needs be added to the item page, but i didnt know where (Smooth-as-Silk is my Sleazy Gravy Fairy so dont mind that piece of text)--Vandaahl 18:07, 28 June 2007 (CDT)


I just popped a mobile sweat lodge with one of these things and got four turns of paralysis (including the turn I popped it).--Homey1337 14:22, 7 December 2007 (CST)

I've been doing some testing with the balloons, and over the course of using 30-something of them I never saw a duration shorter than 3 rounds of stunning. I suspect the number listed on the page is indeed incorrect. --Skin Deep 07:43, 21 January 2008 (CST)

i also did some experimenting with the baloons today i got 3-5 rounds duration and it looks like the higher the ML the shorter it is--Swatolo 10:12, 22 April 2008 (CDT)