Talk:Frigidalmatian (skill)

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what does it do?

The skill costs 300MP to use. The use message is:

You call forth the spirit of an ancient arctic dalmatian. The moisture in the air around you coalesces into a dog shape, and the spirit enters it. Its nose is cold -- that means it's healthy, right? You acquire an effect: Frigidalmatian(duration: 1 Adventure)

In combat:

Your dalmatian bites your opponent with his icy jaws, dealing 132 damage. Woof woof!

Acts every round doing only cold damage. Damage appears to be around half buffed myst, and critical hits are possible. --Bigquack 14:23, 15 June 2012 (CEST)

Yeah, my friend was using it against the brushfires, and it dealt 5K damage per round, but he's got a LOT of myst. Until its been spaded better, we just know that it hits every round for a good bit of cold damage. Sinez 16:31, 15 June 2012 (CEST)

Does this work on the N Bottles of Beer on a Golem monsters in Fernswarthy's Basement? If so, it gets a lot easier for the non-musclebound to take them out without falling back on items. EnixBask 19:46, 15 June 2012 (CEST)

It's doing cold saucegeyser damage each round and it is not considered a buff by the jewel-eyed hat so you can only get 1 adv of it per cast. --Uzziah 23:33, 17 June 2012 (CEST)