Talk:Fossilized wyrm skull

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Got the message;

"You place the wyrm skull on the ground and look over your collection of fossils, with essentially no idea how to get started. You experiment with various combinations of wings and spines and limbs until you get lucky, and the whole thing snaps together into a completed skeleton.

"Lucky," of course, being a relative term. You're less lucky right now than, say, an Adventurer who isn't being attacked by a magically reanimated wyrm skeleton."

when using it, did not write down my excact number of limbs/torsoes/spines/wings. But i think it used about 2-3 spines, 2 wings and 4 limbs.

It also only took 1 damage from my physical and spooky attacks, might need rainbow or spells to kill it.

--Baardbarian 14:41, 1 September 2010 (UTC)

In case its useful information, I've observed that you need 3 spines, 2 wings, 2 limbs and a torso to turn a wyrm skull into a wyrm monster. Also posting this under the monster. --Chyld 21:20, 1 September 2010 (UTC)