Talk:Flavour of Magic

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Has this spell changed? Is it a toggle intrinsic now? Smaragdaemon 02:30, 22 May 2012 (CEST)

  • Yes. It's now 1 MP for infinite duration of a given effect. You may also use a brand new skill to strip yourself of the buff.--Toffile 02:34, 22 May 2012 (CEST)

Out of curiosity, when you ascend, do you get the option to keep the entire spell (Flavour of Magic) or only the individual spirits? I know it's more likely to be the former, but I figure it'd be a good idea to ask. Y'know, just in case.--LoopyChew 10:06, 4 April 2006 (CDT)

  • while informative, except for discworld, the number eight references are a bit spurious, no? --Evilkolbot 07:01, 12 April 2006 (CDT)
    • Agreed, except that the INXS reference is quite clear ("The number eight" is a line in the song). --Hellion 07:53, 12 April 2006 (CDT)

I'm confused about the difference between Spirit of Wormwood (skill) and Spirit of Wormwood and similar pages... Wha? --LucySpace (Talk|Cntrb) 08:19, 20 June 2006 (CDT)

  • You're making it way too complicated. The skill gives you access to the five "sub-skills". On your skill list, you'll have "Flavor of Magic" and the various "Spirit of ..." skills will appear below, indented like bullet points. If you want Spirit of Cayenne, you simply cast the appropriate spell for 10 MP. Think of Flavor as being a passive skill that gives you access to five self-buffs. Mr. Blonde 13:39, 28 December 2006 (CST)

Does anyone have any idea what happens if you have one of the "Spirit" spell's effects, along with an elemental cookbook equipped?? In other words, let's say you have the Spirit of Cayenne (effect); and Gazpacho's Glacial Grimoire equipped, would your spells be cast as hot spells, or cold?? (The key to this question is that effect and cookbook make your spells DIFFERENT elemental types) I'll try it myself when I have enough money to buy the Flavour of Magic; but if anyone has an answer for me before then, let me know.(sign your post!)

  • I tried a couple of different combinations, the cookbook effect trumps the skill effect. So if you use this skill... bring a kickback cookbook then. This may be worth mentioning in the notes section of this page and the cookbook pages. Me2592592 14:03, 20 January 2008 (CST)

-Ok, um you know the message "... can't control it and stuff flies everywhere"? i get it a lot with a spirit effect active, and it essentially doubles damage... when spirit was gone, i was back to doin half, around 29 daamage. any other people notice that?--Argus 20:35, 15 September 2007 (CDT)

  • You didn't specify which spell you were casting, but you should check the appropriate Wiki page. There was a bonus damage cap introduced for NS13. --Bagatelle 13:03, 16 September 2007 (CDT)

What happens if you have one Spirit active and you try to cast a different one? --PlatypusNinja 14:06, 11 October 2007 (CDT)

  • It's been over a month since I last used it, so my recollection may be flawed, but I believe it cancels the previous Spirit and gives you 40 turns of the new one. --Bagatelle 20:20, 11 October 2007 (CDT)

I am not sure if I have not noticed this but I was looking at posible ways to maximize my damage from a combat skills and I noticed that Saucegeyser does not cap mysticality... now in its description it says that it either is hot or cold... now what I am wondering is if flavour of magic affects the spell and can change the geyser into any of the five elements or if it is like the weapon of the pastalord which gains only the extra spell damage from this skill... --Saji 03:03, 22 October 2007 (CDT)

  • As it says in the description, it doesn't affect sauce spells. --TechSmurf 03:05, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
  • its funny because i literally just read that comming back to it all... --Saji 04:27, 22 October 2007 (CDT)
  • The description is unclear. The element change only affects pasta spells, but does the +10 damage also only affect pasta spells, or does it affect all spells? --Umma 18:44, 20 February 2009 (UTC)
    • All spells, as hinted at in the notes section, as well as the pop-up for the individual effects. Although the pop-ups lie in that they say all spells are elementally aligned (Jick is a durty liur). --BagatelleT/C 03:09, 21 February 2009 (UTC)

Effect and Intrinsic

When they changed this over to giving intrinsic effects rather than 40 turns of an effect, I still had about 1000 turns of Spirit of Garlic, and it still tuned WotP. I used the skill to turn on the Spirit of Cayenne intrinsic, and it did not remove my 1000 turns of the 'normal' effect Spirit of Garlic. Additionally, WotP was still tuned to Stench, not Hot. I'll try to do more testing on this, especially to see if I'm getting +20 spell damage, just because it's a strange situation. --timrem 11:05, 28 May 2012 (CEST)