Talk:Deep Dark Visions

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I took 1173 spooky damage, and had Spooky Protection: Really Very Extremely Incredibly High (28) (Lvl 28, 94.37%). I had Deep-Tainted Mind at the time. I cast it again and took 1098 damage, and got 3 messages. --Greycat (talk) 16:48, 31 March 2013 (UTC)

Different account took 1016, 1032, 1161, 1069, 1189 damage with only 20 points of Spooky Protection (87.29%, non-myst class). In both cases I got the dreadscroll words on the 5th casting. --Greycat (talk) 19:50, 31 March 2013 (UTC)

The article claims you can cast it with 9 points of spooky resistance. This is definitely not true, as I just tried to cast it with 9 points of spooky resistance (as an AT), and got beaten up. And no buff. --Greycat (talk) 19:56, 10 October 2013 (UTC)

  • As an AT, with 593 (of 593) HP and 9 points of spooky resistance, I can get the effect but lose 549 HP. With 8 points, I lose 620 HP and don't succeed. Is it possible you tried with 9 points, but didn't have enough HP to start? Not max HP, but current HP? --Club (#66669) (Talk) 20:37, 10 October 2013 (UTC)

a thought

One to Three or One to Four?

Note: Apparently the clue is in addition to the other 3. Or maybe it's actually 1-4, and we're just usually not that lucky. Based on this:
You close your eyes and let Deep visions wash over you.
A corrupt maw presages an inevitable uprising
A tainted sagefish makes something up about a ruinous bloodbath
A dead legend whispers of an inevitable betrayal
The House of Cards falls.

You lose 232 hit points. (spooky damage) 

You manage to stay conscious in spite of the horror.
You acquire an effect: Visions of the Deep Dark Deeps
(duration: 10 Adventures)
-- Theraze (talk) 15:16, 9 June 2013 (UTC)

I got 2 messages for each casting, except on my 5th casting when I got 3, the last of which was the clue message. A couple of ideas come to mind: maybe the number of messages per casting is directly related to your vocabulary skill. (I had 20% skill at the time.) And maybe the clue message gets appended after either ~10 total messages or a certain number of casts depending on your vocab. --Prestige (talk) 09:52, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
I had a skill of 100% from the very beginning of my casting and remember getting 1 to 3 messages per cast. I haven't documented how many cast I actually did, but I kept the different messages. The 20th message on my list contained the phrase – and I wasn't keeping duplicates. It took 4 more messages to get it once more. If I assume an average of 2 messages per cast, that would be 10 casts. I paid very close attention and are absolutely sure the phrase didn't show earlier. So having even the highest skill doesn't necessarily speed up the collection. Sorry to disappoint. --Yatsufusa (talk) 12:36, 30 September 2013 (UTC)
new messages:

A mad elder makes fun of an inevitable revolt A murk-shrouded sagefish mentions a bloody party Only these 2, despite being at 100% litteracy as well.

Today I had to cast this about 80 times, here are the messages:

A forgotten scroll mentions a treacherous murder A murk-shrouded voice whispers of a deadly conflict The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric poem sings of a catastrophic event A terrible echo jokes about an apocalyptic party The House of Pain falls. A dire message mentions a vicious insurrection The House of Pain falls. A darkened fable laughs about an apocalyptic accident A prehistoric text foretells an inevitable accident A corrupt urchin tells of a calamitous betrayal The House of Pain falls. A dead mystic makes fun of a tragic massacre A mad poem wails of an inevitable uprising The House of Pain falls. An ancient voice screams of a calamitous performance The House of Pain falls. A wretched legend dreams of a blood-soaked tragedy A wretched urchin whispers of an apocalyptic bloodbath The House of Pain falls. A mysterious poem wails of a blood-soaked event A wretched tablet predicts a blood-soaked war The House of Pain falls. A dim maw makes fun of a deadly accident A terrible scroll warns of a vicious battle The House of Pain falls. A dim sagefish screams of a catastrophic betrayal A long-lost legend predicts a calamitous performance A mysterious song dreams of a blood-soaked revolt The House of Pain falls. A dark message predicts a vicious betrayal A long-lost song dreams of a catastrophic battle The House of Pain falls. A mysterious legend makes something up about a grisly party A wretched elder predicts a vicious performance The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric urchin presages a dark murder The House of Pain falls. A corrupt legend makes fun of a tragic, ruinous performance The House of Pain falls. An insane echo dreams of an apocalyptic uprising A murk-shrouded echo predicts a tragic surprise The House of Pain falls. A mysterious scroll sings of a ruinous conflict A darkened tablet screams of a treacherous uprising The House of Pain falls. A tainted mystic wails of a tragic conflict A dire sagefish makes fun of a vicious surprise The House of Pain falls. A forgotten text foretells a vicious bloodbath A tainted urchin warns of a treacherous war A prehistoric maw whispers of an apocalyptic tragedy The House of Pain falls. A tainted tale jokes about an inevitable insurrection A prehistoric maw laughs about a vicious betrayal The House of Pain falls. A forgotten scroll makes something up about a ruinous bloodbath A terrible song foretells a ruinous tragedy A dead maw sings of a bloody battle The House of Pain falls. A corrupt cronefish mentions a tragic event The House of Pain falls. A murk-shrouded message jokes about an apocalyptic performance A dead elder predicts a dark tragedy The House of Pain falls. A wretched text mentions a bloody party The House of Pain falls. A wretched ballad predicts a vicious bloodbath A corrupt scroll makes fun of a deadly conflict A dead voice foretells a dark conflict The House of Pain falls. A wretched song mentions an inevitable conflict A mad warning warns of a tragic massacre The House of Pain falls. An ancient elder makes something up about a grisly betrayal A wretched text makes something up about a dark tragedy The House of Pain falls. A darkened voice dreams of an inevitable war The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric tale foretells a treacherous event The House of Pain falls. A wretched tablet screams of a catastrophic murder A dark song warns of a calamitous uprising The House of Pain falls. A corrupt tale wails of a catastrophic performance A terrible voice predicts a ruinous revolt The House of Pain falls. A mysterious cronefish makes fun of a catastrophic revolt A dim text predicts a bloody revolt The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric sagefish wails of a vicious surprise The House of Pain falls. A dark maw predicts a blood-soaked massacre A terrible fable sings of a catastrophic betrayal The House of Pain falls. A murk-shrouded text sings of a ruinous betrayal A dark mystic screams of a blood-soaked performance An ancient tablet lies about a treacherous, deadly battle The House of Pain falls. A mysterious tale predicts a tragic accident A dark voice mentions a bloody uprising The House of Pain falls. A forgotten fable foretells a vicious murder The House of Pain falls. An ancient elder presages a tragic uprising A dead text foretells an apocalyptic uprising An insane message lies about a dark accident The House of Pain falls. A corrupt tale predicts a dark conflict A dead fable lies about a vicious party The House of Pain falls. A dim message sings of a ruinous war The House of Pain falls. A dire tale laughs about a vicious tragedy The House of Pain falls. A dead legend whispers of a dark bloodbath A mysterious mystic foretells a dark accident The House of Pain falls. An ancient tablet foretells a catastrophic conflict A mad poem dreams of a ruinous tragedy A dead echo jokes about a tragic event The House of Pain falls. A dim voice mentions a ruinous accident A mysterious ballad presages a bloody massacre The House of Pain falls. A wretched message tells of an inevitable surprise The House of Pain falls. A tainted sagefish tells of a ruinous accident A murk-shrouded scroll jokes about a tragic performance The House of Pain falls. A forgotten poem tells of a bloody party The House of Pain falls. A darkened scroll makes something up about a catastrophic accident A long-lost text screams of a deadly betrayal The House of Pain falls. A murk-shrouded message screams of a vicious surprise A darkened voice predicts a ruinous accident A mysterious song predicts an apocalyptic event The House of Pain falls. A tainted scroll foretells a blood-soaked revolt A darkened ballad sings of a grisly insurrection The House of Pain falls. A terrible mystic screams of a dark event A terrible maw makes fun of a vicious insurrection A long-lost elder predicts a catastrophic, bloody, catastrophic performance The House of Pain falls. An insane poem makes fun of a dark uprising A mad poem sings of a grisly murder The House of Pain falls. A mysterious fable makes fun of a dark battle The House of Pain falls. A dark ballad mentions a calamitous surprise A terrible tale makes fun of a tragic insurrection A wretched mystic whispers of an apocalyptic battle The House of Pain falls. A terrible sagefish makes something up about a catastrophic insurrection The House of Pain falls. A long-lost poem laughs about a blood-soaked murder The House of Pain falls. A dim urchin wails of a dark conflict The House of Pain falls. A forgotten urchin sings of a catastrophic uprising A long-lost mystic tells of an inevitable party The House of Pain falls. A tainted song predicts an apocalyptic accident The House of Pain falls. A long-lost poem warns of a deadly surprise The House of Pain falls. A tainted urchin tells of an inevitable surprise The House of Pain falls. A terrible song dreams of a bloody event The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric ballad predicts a deadly betrayal A forgotten elder tells of a dark uprising A darkened ballad screams of a grisly, grisly, treacherous performance The House of Pain falls. A long-lost echo tells of a calamitous event The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric maw mentions a treacherous insurrection A long-lost poem presages an inevitable battle The House of Pain falls. A prehistoric cronefish predicts a tragic uprising A mad tale presages an apocalyptic performance The House of Pain falls. A terrible scroll dreams of a blood-soaked murder An ancient ballad warns of a calamitous performance A corrupt urchin mentions a vicious bloodbath The House of Pain falls. An insane echo tells of a bloody uprising A corrupt mystic sings of a bloody conflict The House of Pain falls. A corrupt poem tells of a grisly insurrection A long-lost tablet makes something up about a bloody bloodbath The House of Pain falls. A mad echo predicts an inevitable revolt A wretched maw makes fun of a treacherous party A terrible text lies about a vicious party A wretched voice whispers of a calamitous surprise A tainted text makes something up about a dark accident The House of Pain falls. A tainted legend laughs about a dark battle A tainted warning whispers of a vicious tragedy The House of Pain falls. An ancient text tells of a vicious event An insane message makes fun of an apocalyptic surprise A dark message dreams of a tragic, catastrophic revolt A wretched urchin predicts a deadly insurrection A long-lost ballad sings of an apocalyptic betrayal A dead voice foretells an inevitable surprise A dire voice predicts a ruinous massacre The House of Pain falls. A tainted mystic lies about a treacherous betrayal A corrupt scroll lies about a tragic tragedy A prehistoric warning makes something up about a tragic performance A dire sagefish sings of a grisly conflict A tainted poem predicts a tragic, inevitable tragedy A tainted legend warns of a blood-soaked massacre A tainted echo jokes about a dark massacre A tainted fable jokes about a vicious insurrection A murk-shrouded message presages a ruinous battle A prehistoric message tells of a blood-soaked party You get 1-3 visions, and the house message at the end. Out of 81 casts, I got House of X Falls 71 times. However, that is out of 221 messages total. I foolishly purged all of my data on if HP damage is proportional to messages (roughly 12k-15k out of 37k hp with 35 resist), although I wouldn't count on it. Also, HP damage seems to be 3x-4x times your HP max, not just 3x. --The ErosionSeeker (talk) 16:40, 4 February 2017 (UTC)


It looks as if the following components comprise all messages:
Adjective Noun Verb Adjective Noun
An ancient ballad dreams of an apocalyptic accident.
A corrupt cronefish foretells a blood-soaked battle.
A dark echo jokes about a bloody betrayal.
A darkened elder laughs about a calamitous bloodbath.
A dead fable lies about a catastrophic conflict.
A dim legend makes fun of a dark event.
A dire maw makes something up about a deadly insurrection.
A forgotten message mentions a grisly massacre.
An insane mystic predicts an inevitable murder.
A long-lost poem presages a ruinous party.
A mad sagefish screams of a tragic performance.
A murk-shrouded scroll sings of a treacherous revolt.
A mysterious song tells of a vicious surprise.
A prehistoric tablet wails of tragedy.
A tainted tale warns of uprising.
A terrible text whispers of war.
A wretched urchin

  • NOTE: The second adjective may occasionally combine two (e.g. "a tragic, ruinous" or "a treacherous, deadly" or "a tragic, catastrophic") or three (e.g. "a catastrophic, bloody, catastrophic" or "a grisly, grisly, treacherous")

Anyone with superior Wiki table skills, please feel free to fix this. --Baltar (talk) 20:15, 17 March 2017 (UTC)