Talk:Cobb's Knob lab key

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Adventure Text

  • er, there isn't any. perhaps it should be added to the areas where this drops.
  • in other news, there is general interest in whether this is super-likely or not. since it's a once-per-ascension thing it probably needs cooperation. anyone? --Evilkolbot 07:02, 13 February 2008 (CST)
  • the adventure has no name, perhaps that's why there's no page here for it. i'll ask radiobugbear why this is. in the interim, would it be ok to start a page with "Adventure Results" as its title? here's the text:
Adventure Results: 
As you're walking down one of the passageways in Cobb's 
Knob, you see a glint of metal sticking out from the 
edge of one of the ubiquitous piles of garbage.
You stop to take a closer look.

You acquire an item: Cobb's Knob lab key 

Go back to Cobb's Knob
  • how should this be formatted? --Evilkolbot 12:20, 13 February 2008 (CST)

I don't think it's superlikely... I remember one Ascension where I went ages and ages without getting it. Can't remember if it was before or after NS13 hit, though... As for making an adventure page, my recollection is that this doesn't consume an adventure (could've sworn I read this on the Wiki, but can't find it now), in which case an entry in the Notes section would probably suffice, or adding it to the location pages as you suggested. --Bagatelle 16:18, 13 February 2008 (CST)

fall down, find key (?)

can you get this encounter while falling down drunk? --Silent Knight 21:11, 6 October 2010 (UTC)

It shouldn't. Drunken Stupor itself is an adventure zone...which isn't in the Knob.--Toffile 21:17, 6 October 2010 (UTC)