Talk:Cell 37

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I thought that "Cell 37" may be a reference to Inconnu (his user number is 37); any thoughts? Quacko4 00:59, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

Jick mentioned on the radio that this was in testing on Dev, so there will be actual content soon. --Starwed 07:20, 27 February 2011 (UTC)

It's not in the picture on the wiki, but the door keep trying to get my attention by going "PSSSSST...", but I still get the same message when clicking on it.--Arashmin 17:18, 3 March 2011 (UTC)

Very basic quest outline: 1) Talk to Prisoner #37. 2) Get his records from a scientist in the laboratory. 3) Return to him. 4) Get a GOTO from a BASIC Elemental in the Menagerie Level 1. 5) Return to him. 6) Get a Bottle of Weremoose Spit from a Weremoose in the Menagerie Level 2. 7) Return to him. 8) Get some blubber from a portly abomination in the Menagerie Level 3. 9) Return to him, and complete the quest for no known reward.

It was quick, but I have no idea what good will come of it. A nice little sidequest, though. --Valliant 19:18, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

I have my pessimism hat on today, and I fear we may have done a bad thing by letting this guy go. I haven't felt good about helping anyone in-game since "Renatus Bigg". It'll probably end in tears before bedtime. :( --Kay Dekker 20:27, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

  • the vagueness surrounding 37 did put me in mind of "Specimen 7" from Superjail's "Comabaticus" episode - although this fellow is much better spoken than Specimen 7, so perhaps it won't be as bad as all that.--Noskilz 02:44, 9 March 2011 (UTC)

This shows up under "Completed Quests" as:

The Pretty Good Escape
You've done a good turn, and helped Subject 37 make his escape from the Cobb's Knob Menagerie.

I forgot to check the text prior to completion. You can't shorten it by showing up with all four items he wants at once. --Club (#66669) (Talk) 21:13, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

Any reward?

I was looking at the main page and i saw that there wasn't any reward listed. Is there even one? I've never seen a quest without a reward.--Icon315♕ (|) 21:24, 8 March 2011 (UTC)

  • I haven't seen one yet, but I reckon it will be delayed or subtle. Like a St Sneaky Pete's reward the next day or some change in the lab / menagerie. --Club (#66669) (Talk) 21:49, 8 March 2011 (UTC)