Talk:Big swarm of ghuol whelps

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sorry not good at formatting monster pages, looks like it's tied to +ML I had +49 ML when I found it. --Uzziah 12:10, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

  • I appreciate your intiative making a page for something you consider new, but I think you're getting confused with this: --Tombot 15:49, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

It was a different monster the image had 5 whelps on it not 4, the blue bar title was "A big swarm of ghuol whelps" not "a swarm of ghuol whelps", it took 6 off the evil meter not 3. I just suck at formatting in wiki, I am sorry for that. --Uzziah 21:06, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

  • And here I was thinking you copied your information from memory, I wonder if there is a higher form of ghuol welp swarm or if this is the limit.--Tombot 23:59, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

I count 6 ghouls in the picture. Anyway At 44 ML Big Swarm, 6 beeps. At 34 ML Big Swarm, 6 beeps At 30 ML Small swarm, 4 beeps. At 24 ML Small Swarm, 4 beeps. I double cheeked the beeps. --Darkwolf 21:54, 16 April 2011 (UTC)

  • There's one other swarm size...see below--Toffile 23:38, 16 April 2011 (UTC)


I was doing the image from memory I guess I can't count. knowing how TPTB have programmed in the past +0-30 ML must be small making +31-60 ML big then +61+ Ml would be the next and largest (speculation: Huge swarm of ghuol whelps) --Uzziah 17:25, 17 April 2011 (UTC)

I got the giant swarm of ghuol whelps this time round at +79 ML so somewhere between 49 and 79 is the break over point. --Uzziah 02:55, 18 April 2011 (UTC)

Changed page to 5-6 beeps. Fought twice with same exact ML, +25. Got 5 once, 6 the next. Other values might be possible.--Gortak 05:02, 26 April 2011 (UTC)

Changing to 5-7 beeps. I got 7 at ML +44.--Noims 11:45, 25 May 2011 (UTC)

I'm confused about how one can encounter this monster. On The Defiled Cranny's page it just says with Monster Level 25-49. On the page for this monster, Big swarm of ghuol whelps, it only says it happens in the adventure Death Rattlin'. On the page for that adventure it says, "or with +25–49 ML." So which is it? I've run through The Defiled Cranny multiple times with Monster Level over 30 and never seen this monster. Does it only happen at Death Rattlin', which is the only way listed on the monster page? Or does it happen through that OR with Monster Level 25-49, the only way listed on the location page? Or maybe it happens only with Monster Level 25-49 AND Death Rattlin'???

  • Reviewing the location page now, I finally understand that the encounter is supposed to be tied to Death Rattlin' with the choice "Open the rattling one." I thought the monster encounters were separate from the choice adventure instead of part of it, because they separated by white space -- it didn't "click" for me that they should have vertical lines separating them if they were meant to be unrelated. A huge help for me would have been something like, "On choosing 'Open the rattling one:'" to establish that the monster encounters are related to that choice. I didn't notice the description of that choice because I wasn't looking there since they appeared to be separate. My remaining confusion is on the "Death Rattlin'" page where it says "or with +25–49 ML." Does that mean I can encounter this monster OUTSIDE of the "Death Rattlin'" adventure? Because that's what it says: OR. --StorellaDeville 23:01, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

So I just did Death Rattlin' with 31 Monster Level. Got a swarm of ghuol whelps, not a big swarm of ghuol whelps. What does that mean? That I _might_ get the big swarm, or might not? :( --StorellaDeville 23:01, 13 June 2011 (UTC)

Big swarm of ghuol whelps

  • you heard the evilometer beep eight times with a Big swarm of ghuol whelps. are you absolutely certain that what you saw was not a Giant swarm of ghuol whelps? it seems very unlikely that the ranges would overlap since they appear to be calculated from +ML. --Evilkolbot 13:15, 15 July 2011 (CEST)
    • Yep, I'm sure it was the big swarm and not the giant swarm. Looked back and forth at the screen several times. I don't think I was running enough +ML on that run anyway. I'll look to see if I can reproduce it this run. Maybe the RNG rolled a 1.0 or something? --User:Doctor Fettuccini:Doctor Fettuccini 06:32, 19 July 2011 (CEST)
      • you're not very convincing. no screenshot, no mafia log. you've no weight of edit history or spading behind you either. i have no idea who you are so i can't know whether you are the kind of person who means what they say. what you appear to be is another person who comes to the wiki and says "this unlikely thing happened to me" and to whom the first answer is always "are you sure" and the second more likely than not "no, it didn't." not that i'm saying that it didn't. on reflection, the (x +/- a) mechanic could well throw out overlapping ranges. i look forward to you providing hard evidence. oh, and don't edit other people's user pages. for any reason. continue talk on the page the discussion was started on and if you feel the other party would otherwise miss it put a note on their talk page pointing them to the new contribution. --Evilkolbot 22:46, 19 July 2011 (CEST)
        • I'm sorry, I didn't know that you didn't want people to edit your user page, and I can't find any policy on the wiki against it. It's common practice on most of the wikis I edit to edit the user page when you want to contact someone, but this is the only MediaWiki wiki I edit. On that note, I didn't know that I needed to have proof to edit this wiki. I suppose things have changed in the last few years -- every other spading edit I've made has been accepted without question. I was looking forward to spading this out, but how do I know that you're the kind of person who will accept logs from me? Or are you that kind of person who makes snap judgements about information because he doesn't know the source? --Doctor Fettuccini 06:04, 20 July 2011 (CEST)
          • Posting things here for peer review is a good start --RoyalTonberry 07:34, 20 July 2011 (CEST)
            • As potential resolution to this conflict, head over to Talk:Death_Rattlin' for discussion about the possibility of beeps coming from total ML, but the swarm type not including MCD-based ML. --ArgghFW 10:17, 20 July 2011 (CEST)
              • I thought the MCD not applying was a bug that was long since fixed. I'll note that there's definitely a random factor to the number of beeps. I think this has been mentioned here, but I'm too lazy to read through so I'll just point it out now. --Flargen 10:46, 20 July 2011 (CEST)
        • Thank you both. I went back and found my mafia logs, and put together what happened. It was indeed a big swarm that beeped 8 times, and I was at +59 ML. Uh oh... but not counting the 10 from the Annoy-o-tron, it would be +49 ML. So, a reasonable theory, ArrghFW. I'll head over to the spading forum and post there. --Doctor Fettuccini 10:43, 20 July 2011 (CEST)

Group Size

KingBobson, I'm curious why you edited in a group size 30 or 31. I'm afraid that I didn't find your edit summary to be informative. When I spaded group size of 20 and edited it into this page I wasn't guessing. That was exactly how many I got from a bear hug. Is it possible that the size of this group is based on ML? Is there something else that I just don't get? --Bale (talk) 09:39, 11 March 2014 (UTC)

  • Different items/skills have formulas that do extra damage to group monsters. These are capped at different levels. Whatever you tested with might have had a cap of 20, but the item that KingBobson tested with had a cap that was higher. I'm guessing the "30 or 31" part was because the formula meant that both values fit. While it could be better, "30 or 31" is better than "20 or higher". — Cool12309 (talk) 21:15, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
    • Yes, Cool is correct. Bear Hug is capped at 20, which is awkward, as it's by far the most transparent of the group size checkers. I was using Fire Rocket with moxie lowered to guarantee a base 2 damage. However, there's some really weird interaction with that skill and elementally weak monsters, so I'm not even sure about that (though I got 15, 30, and 45 from the various swarms, which is basically the progression you'd expect). Yes, this is a shameless plug for Fire Rocket spading. But getting that figured out would allow proper group sizes to be calculated, which would be great. --KingBobson (talk) 21:22, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
      • Thank you. That was really informative. --Bale (talk) 22:01, 11 March 2014 (UTC)