Talk:A little sump'm sump'm
From TheKolWiki
Drop Location
During the The Typical Tavern Rats quest, the adventure The Cask at Hand drops a little sump'm sump'm as one of the outcomes.
It may also drop as part of the reward for finishing the TTR quest, but that is not a drop location. It could be added as a note if that is the case.
In-game plural: "little sump'm sump'ms" The preceding unsigned comment was added by BaruMonkey.
- Yes, that's what it says on the item page just above the "Drop Location" section. Your point being? --Quietust (t|c) 11:50, 14 May 2007 (CDT)
Does this also give extra adventures with the tuxedo shirt? Cause the rockin' wagon is made with a martini as well as this, and the wagon gives extra turns... --Jimfromtx 20:25, 28 November 2007 (CST)
No it doesn't.--QuantumNightmare 22:12, 28 November 2007 (CST)