Talisman of Bakula
From TheKolWiki
This heavy gold amulet is engraved with the horrible visage of the bloodthirsty Count Bakula, the Kingdom's resident homosexual anesthesiologist. Wait, strike that; I meant resident lord of vampiric terror from beyond the grave. Sorry, I get those two mixed up sometimes. (In-game plural: Talismen of Bakula) |
Obtained From
- The Unquiet Garves
- Count Bakula (occurs ultra rarely)
- The VERY Unquiet Garves
- Count Bakula (occurs ultra rarely)
- Obsoleted Areas/Methods
- Prize
- The Raffle House
- Enables use of the skill Give In To Your Vampiric Urges.
- Pulverizing this item yields an ultimate wad.
- Second prize in The Raffle House on February 2, 2008.
- Scott Bakula (whose last name rhymes with Dracula) played Captain Jonathan Archer on Star Trek: Enterprise and Dr. Sam Beckett on Quantum Leap. He also played one half of the neighborhood's gay couple, the anesthesiologist to Sam Robards' tax attorney, in American Beauty.
- Hemophilia is a hereditary disorder in which the affected person is unable to make certain blood clot-forming proteins. Since in game, hemophilia gives the effect "give in to your vampiric urges" here we can take it as a pun on the literal etymology, "hemo" meaning "blood," and "philia" meaning "desire."
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