Tail o' nine cats

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tail o' nine cats
tail o' nine cats

This is a whip made from the tails of nine cats. Actually, it's a whip made from the tail of a single cat, it's just that "tail o' nine cats" is a cooler name for a whip than "tail o' a cat," so that's what people call it.

Anyway. It's a vicious-looking whip.

Type: weapon (1-handed whip)
Damage: 3 - 6
Selling Price: 35 Meat.

Combat Initiative +15%
+5 to Monster Level

(In-game plural: tails o' more than nine catses)
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Item number: 2629
Description ID: 422120966
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Club.gif whip kit leathery cat skin
Equals.gif tail o' nine cats


The name is an inversion of "cat o' nine tails," a type of whip.

See Also


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